NC will continue to lead J&K towards development: Omar

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Nov 3: NC Working President Omar Abdullah while interacting with public and political delegations from across the Valley today said that National Conference will continue to lead J&K towards development and will take its pro-youth policies and initiatives forward to ensure that the youth continue to reach new frontiers in fields of business, technology and entrepreneurship.
Omar Abdullah said that National Conference successfully centered its policies while in Government around a core agenda of youth development and employment generation as the party believes in the youth of our State and their ability to lead the State towards new frontiers of dignity and economic independence in the future.
“We took landmark decisions and initiatives to cater to the needs of our youth and facilitated their inspiring journey in their academic and professional pursuits. Today the youth of J&K are proving their mettle across the country and around the world by earning laurels for the State. To National Conference no accomplishment can be as gratifying and endearing as the growth and welfare of our youth and we will leave no stone unturned to focus on facilitating the dreams of our youth in the coming years as we have done in the last six years” he said.
Omar Abdullah said that the State Government over the last six years brought an educational revolution in the State with new Universities, District and Sub-District Colleges and Schools with modern equipment and science laboratories established throughout the length and breadth of the State to give fillip to the employability of our youth.
The NC Working President said that his Government took elaborate policy measures to empower the youth of the State by eradicating red-tape and bureaucratic hurdles that the earlier system had put in their way. “The results we have achieved in facilitating thousands of small and medium scale industrial units in the State has been one of the most prominent achievements of National Conference in the last six years. Today these industrial units employ thousands of those youth who were previously unemployed. We will continue to create more avenues for their employment and economic prosperity so that the State continues to benefit from their talent and diligence”, he added.
“My vision for politics is that centered on the dreams and aspirations of our youth. Our youth will have to be empowered in all areas including in politics for our State to reach new heights of growth. J&K has a sizeable and significant youth population and in their dreams lie the dreams and future prospects of our State. My commitment to the youth of J&K is personal and beyond partisan politics and I will continue to walk hand-in-hand with them till the last drop of blood in my body”, Omar Abdullah said.
Omar Abdullah also held meetings with delegations of youth activists and leaders from Beerwah and Sonawar constituencies and shared with them his plans to develop Beerwah and Sonawar as model constituencies that epitomize infrastructure development, employment boom and an impetus to the tourism sector.