NC worker killed in Pulwama

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Mar 13: A former Sarpanch and National Conference (NC) worker was killed by militants in South Kashmir district of Pulwama today. This is the first political killing after the announcement of by-elections for two Parliamentary constituencies in Kashmir.
Sources said militants kidnapped former Sarpanch Fayaz Ahmad son of Abdul Khaliq resident of Kakapora from his residence in Pulwama early this morning. His bullet riddled body was recovered from village Chewa Kalan in the district.
Police has registered a case and started massive hunt to nab the killers. Police have also identified the gunmen involved in this crime and efforts are on to nab the killers.
Superintendent of Police, Pulwama, Rayees Bhat told reporters that this morning (at around 8:00 am-8:30 am), we received a report that some gunmen have picked up one Fayaz Ahmad Dar from his house at Kakapora. “After some time, information was received that his bullet-ridden dead body is lying at Chew Kalan village and police later recovered the dead body from the spot. After completion of legal formalities, we handed over the body to his relatives”, he said.
“So far as per the leads received in the case some militants had gone to his house, picked him up and later killed him at Khalwat. We have registered an FIR and took up investigation. After completion of other formalities, we can then say what exactly has happened”, the SP said.
He said: “We are following leads which we have got in this case and we have also got link about who are the people and groups involved in the incident. We will follow it and move ahead.”
“After receiving post-mortem report from doctors, we can say exact cause of death. But apparently some gunshot wounds were seen on the body of the deceased. We suspect that some Lashkar-e-Toiba militants could be behind the incident and we have started identification and so far names of one-two persons have come forward with regard to this”, Bhat said.
“This person (Fayaz) has earlier been Sarpanch of National Conference (NC). There were reports that he had cleared some months ago that he won’t perhaps remain associated with this (mainstream) politics”, the SP said.
“Now, we will have to see what the exact reason was. It is a matter of investigation to establish exact cause; to see whether there was any personal rivalry; or it was a simple terrorist act to disturb the overall political setup. All this would be clear after investigation. So far the probe is on but he has been targeted by the people involved in it… the political angle is less and some other reason is more in the killing. So, we are investigating”, Bhat said.
The opposition National Conference (NC) strongly condemned the killing of former Sarpanch.