NCEEITET concludes at GCET

Minister for Industries, Chander Prakash Ganga and others at valedictory function of NCEEITET at GCET Jammu on Tuesday.
Minister for Industries, Chander Prakash Ganga and others at valedictory function of NCEEITET at GCET Jammu on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 20: The two- day 5th National Conference and Exhibition on “Emerging and Innovative Trends in Engineering Technology” (NCEEITET),  organized by Government College of Engineering and Technology (GCET) in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur,  concluded today  at GCET campus, Chak Bhalwal, Jammu. .
The valedictory function marked prize distribution/award ceremony, which started with the welcome address by Dr Sameru Sharma, Principal, GCET.
Chander Prakash Ganga, Minister for Industries and Commerce was chief guest on the occasion. He urged upon the young inspiring Engineers to play a pivotal role to put the country at the top position in the world economy. Lauding the role of various CPSUs/PSUs in the development of the country, he impressed upon and invited the industry professionals to tap their resources in the development of J&K State too as a contribution towards the corporate social responsibility. He further reiterated that the Industry professionals of the J&K State must open the channels for providing industrial trainings to the students to harness their skills and potentials.
The conference was aimed to provide a common platform to exchange innovative ideas and knowledge between the academicians, students, researcher and industry to serve the society in a better way.
Two day programme of the conference comprised of invited talks, plenary talks from eminent personalities from research and industry. Further, it consisted of Technical sessions for the contributed paper presentations from the participants. In addition to this workshops,   display of exhibits by CPSUs/PSUs were also lime light of the event. A total of 70 papers were received for publication from all over the country out of which 48 were accepted for publication in the conference proceedings after peer reviewing and were well published by the online International Journal of Science and Technical Advancements (IJSTA) globally accessible by all with effect from Feb.20, 2018 onwards.