NDS organises ‘Dogri Music for Elders’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 18: Nami Dogri Sanstha (NDS) here today organised a programme ‘Dogri Music for Elders’ for inmates of ‘Vridh Ashram’.
I.D Soni, president ‘Home for Aged and Infirm’ was chief guest whereas Vijay Kumar Bhagotra, former Superintending Engineer presided over.
S.H.S Manhas, Social Activist was guest of honour and Prof. Anupama Sharma also shared the dais while Sanjay Vidrohi, renowned Dogri and Hindi Poet was special invitee.
Famous singers of J&K who gave their voice in the programme were Prof. Suraj Singh, Chanchal Dogra, Veena Dogra and Sham Manyal.
Amit Anand on Tabla and Suraj Singh on Harmonium were at their best.
Lalit Sharma, convener NDS in his opening remarks said our Senior Citizens are enriched source of Dogri Vocabulary and invaluable asset of rich Duggar Culture and we should establish a continuous link with our elders to further propagate our mother tongue and culture.
The Dogri Music programme comprised of devotional songs, Dogri Folk and Gazals which enthralled one and all.
I.D Soni said that apart from entertainment, music charges us with renewed positive energy.
Vijay Kumar Bhagotra said that music soothes our minds, spiritualises us, cures diseases and inculcates positivity and divinity in us.
S.H.S Manhas, Sanjay Vidrohi and Dogra Harish Kaila also spoke on the occasion.
Yash Pal Yash, general secretary NDS compeered the programme and Arjun Sharma, general secretary Youth Wing extended vote of thanks.