Netaji’s files

It is high time to ask whether there have  indeed been any serious attempt to unearth the mystery of the disappearance of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
It is very easy to declare that nothing has come out of the investigations, but the bigger question which needs to be asked is whether there have  indeed been any sincere attempt to get to the bottom of the case! If the concerned authorities had been been  so “sincere”, then why was the Justice Manoj Kumar Mukherjee commission not allowed free access to Netaji-related files which are kept within the safe custody at Red Fort? Some files concerning Netaji had been released with much fanfare a year ago. But the information released through such files is hardly relevant as far as Netaji’s disappearance saga is concerned. Yes, there lies every reason to believe that Netaji’s disappearance and conspiracy are synonymous terms. Some “nationalists” also come up with the theory of  “international relation” to be “harmed”  if all Netaji files get disclosed! This hush-hush matter directly proves that indeed there lies something fishy related to Netaji’s disappearance. Now which is the bigger issue — “international relationship” or the fate of that epitome of patriotism named Netaji who had sacrificed his career and devoted his entire life for the sake of independence of the motherland from imperialist force? If the answer is “international relationship”, the sincerity of the solving the mystery stands blatantly exposed!
Ending with an anecdote highly relevant in this time. When Netaji was organising the Indian National Army in South-East Asia for its forward march to Delhi, a close associate of him advised that instead of having separate prayer meetings for the Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian soldiers; a common prayer meeting can be arranged by incorporating the educative and exemplary traits of all religions so as to forge absolute unity among the Indian fighters.
Netaji praised his associate for his well-intention, but also warned that if religion gets used to bind all Indian soldiers together by heart; then this very religion itself can also be exploited by the evil forces to create discord and disunity among the soldiers. So not the thread of  religion, which should ideally remain confined to one’s personal/private domain only ; but one and only the chord of patriotism and undiluted love for the motherland needs to be nurtured and nourished so as to bind all Indian soldiers psychologically and work towards common goal.
Instead of merely garlanding his statue or portrait on 23rd of January; it is high time India wakes up to the secular values, ethics and humanity propagated by Netaji so as to unite the country in psychic terms and thereby award due honour to this Patriot of Patriots through practical deed, not mere words or rhetoric.
Yours etc….
Kajal Chatterjee,
Peerless Nagar,