Never give up, be people friendly: Khoda to jawans

JAMMU, May 3: Known for his professionalism, the longest serving Director General of Police in the history of Jammu and Kashmir Kuldeep Khoda asked his jawans to never give up in life and develop friendly relations with people for better results.
Born in Srinagar in a very moderate family, Mr Khoda, who will be attaining superannuation on May 31 this year, wants the Jammu and Kashmir Police force to attain new heights and advises his jawans to continue their efforts in developing people friendly force in order to play a vital role in ensuring peace and calm across the State.
‘I had never planned to be a police officer but with every passing year, I felt that this is one of the best services as one can serve people by addressing their problems and grievances,’ Mr Khoda in an exclusive interview here told.
‘As a school going student I had opted for science stream and wanted to pursue a career as an expert in physics,’ he said and added that after his post graduation, he appeared in Civil Services Exam, coming out successful.
‘With the passage of time I developed interest and started realising that there is a lot of potential in serving people thus developing in myself a sense of satisfaction following which I got interested in policing,’ the DGP asserted.
On support from the family, the DGP said, ‘ my family supported me in all respects whether it was looking after my education or career. They always backed and inspired me.’
Mr Khoda however, also admitted that his life partner Ms Indu Koul Khoda is his mental strength in a big way. ‘My wife has always counseled and supported me,’ the DGP said.
The Police Chief while recalling the challenges he faced as a DGP said, ‘huge challenges and tricky situations came into my way. Good and bad days were there but by the grace of God, everything went off peacefully.’
In the recent past, there was turmoil in the State especially in 2008 over Amarnath Land issue but sincere efforts and devotion towards duty successfully tackled the crisis, he said.
‘I compliment my force and the people who stood by my side especially the Government and the patronage of the Chief Minister both in 2008 and 2010 needs a special mention here. It was a learning experience but I am happy that we successfully overcame the challenges, which had its roots in anti-nationalism, secessionism and communalism,’ he maintained.
The DGP, however, said he believes in doing one’s own job honestly and there is no need to worry about dispensations.  “We should be loyal to the job, Government, people and the  force and one who keeps this in mind, tides over the  problems,” he said.
Asked about his successor, the DGP refused to comment  and said Government is wise enough to select the officer who  has to head the department adding, ‘I am sure that anybody heading a State like Jammu and Kashmir will have to face challenges but the type of force we have, we will surely see
Good days ahead.’
On developmental projects underway for the Police Department, Mr Khoda said, “we have taken up various programmes in hand  to uplift the police and one of them is strengthening police-public relations for better results. Gradually, we convinced the people that police is with them and for them and their interest is our interest.”
Besides, various initiatives were taken to look after the force to achieve outstanding results including taking care of  the needs of jawans, their promotions, health facilities, living conditions, electricity, water and vis-à-vis modernisation of police departments are of greatest significance.
“Schooling to their children in Police Public Schools established across the State and also to watch the interests of the families of the martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for the nation is our top priority,’ Mr Khoda said.
Meanwhile in a message to the Police Department, the DGP said, ‘Jammu and Kashmir Police have lived upto the expectations of the nation. Our jawans sacrificed their lives and the force has achieved high standards of professionalism.’
‘Staying at top is more difficult than reaching on the top,’ he said and added that efforts should remain in progress to develop people friendly force and wished that the force will play a major role in ensuring peace, calm and harmony in the State.
‘Never give up and always give your best,’ the DGP advised jawans and asked them to overcome whatever may be the situation and move ahead in life with positive attitude. (UNI)