Never too late for learning

R D Singh
At 59, in my second innings, I am learning interesting things about the present day life, in my humble capacity as a general manager of a station CSD canteen. It is interaction with about 700 to 800 people every day, young and old, ladies and children,  serving and ex – servicemen, who come to the canteen for their grocery and liquor needs.  As per the canteen rules, only the smart card holders, along with an authorized dependent,  are allowed in the canteen. This is to ensure that  the canteen facilities are not misused. I make it a point to talk to our customers to meet their needs. Here it starts.
A 10th class student enters my office with his father to take an entry pass as he is not carrying his dependent card. I ask him “ who is the President of India,  son?”  He replies “ Manmohan singh “.  I meet several other young boys, and I am surprised that they do not know the full form of NAM  or about Dr Kurien. It is because most children do not read daily news papers or listen to the news. I request the parents to please subscribe to a news paper at home which costs less than  a cup of tea.
Then comes a young man in his twenties, unshaven, wearing bathroom sleepers,  with goggles hanging in front. He is doing  B Tech from a local private  institute, where his father has paid ten lacs as capitation fee. I ask him  “ what will you do after B Tech?”  He replies, “ Go to Canada ”.  “ What for”  I persist. “ Make money there”, he replies.  Many other young men meet me to use the canteen facilities, because of their parents, but sadly,  they know little about their father’s army service, not even their rank.  When asked, “ what do you do?”,  many reply “ kuch  nahin” ( doing nothing).  That is a sad commentary on employment opportunities, and lack of will for self employment.  A huge potential of  our youth  is lying unutilized/under utilized in the  country.
Another thing which really intrigues  me is people asking for liquor for their children’s birth day parties. I tell them, “ why not celebrate with cake and eats, why liquor?”   The standard reply is  “ daru bagair  kerhi party jee” ( what party without liquor).  No wonder health of our youth is going down  today. Where are those  ‘gabru jawans’ of Punjab?
I also find a number of  ex – servicemen bringing  along with them property dealers/contractors/ business men and their employers to favour them. While turning back the ‘un- wanted’ guests, I request the ex- servicemen  not to forget the service ethos and code of conduct, what if retired. The govt has given us defence personnel the CSD / medical/ other facilities  as a welfare measure. As soldiers, we  should never let down our own organization, and dilute our  prestige. The same people whom we give liquor and stores, laugh at us,  drinking our whisky.
I look forward to each day to learn more,  and contribute my bit towards the health of our    organization. It is the  year of the veterans,  and when  the senior citizens  leave the canteen with a smile, my day is made.
(The author is a former Colonel)