New agriculture policy

The Government is mulling to introduce new agriculture policy in the state and given new shape to agrarian activities.  Importance of agriculture as the mainstay of the economy of the State cannot be underestimated. However, it is not enough only to speak about its importance; the more important thing is to bring about drastic changes in our agrarian practices so that the agricultural produce is increased quantitatively as well as qualitatively. The Kissan Mela organized in Srinagar recently was a good occasion to interact with the farmers and know their problems and suggest solutions. It has been emphasized by the Adviser to the Governor that the farmers in the State need to be educated on the scientific agriculture and the use of new technology in agriculture sector. Some serious issues in relation to agriculture as conversion of arable lands into building sites for private and Government structures, gap between the laboratory and the land, illegal encroachment of Government land and the imperative of shifting to improved seeds and farming techniques.
We all know that we have a long way to go if we want our agriculture and horticulture industries to develop along scientific and technical lines as is the case in developed countries in the West. The two agricultural universities in the State should be able to give a new direction to the agricultural and horticulture industries in the State. The Governor is taking keen interest in improving our agriculture in all its facets. We have the potential to bring about much desired change for the better in this industry and sooner we take resort to it the better.