New Delhi holds key to solution of public issues in J&K: Bukhari

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 11: Apni Party president Altaf Bukhari today said that Jammu and Kashmir is destined to remain a part of India and New Delhi holds the key and capacity to resolve the problems and challenges the J&K is facing, especially post August 5, 2019.

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Bukhari made these comments while addressing a massive party convention at Reshnagri in south Kashmir’s Shopian district today. Besides Bukhari, the party stalwarts Ghulam Hassan Mir, Zaffar Iqbal Manhas, Abdul Majeed Padder and others also addressed.
Addressing convention Bukhari claimed that Apni Party would ensure ideal solutions to the issues that farmers and orchardists in J&K are facing. “Given my personal experience in the farming and orchard cultivation business, I understand your problems better than anyone else. I am also aware that fruit growers in this region are facing a scarcity of adequate cold storage facilities,” he said.
Demanding an inquiry into the reason behind the violation of norms regarding the provision of cold storage facilities in Shopian, he said, “The previous governments allotted and allowed establishing of Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage to benefit certain individuals with political connections. And now, these CA storage owners are exploiting the vulnerable growers by imposing unfair conditions on them. Apni party demands an inquiry to uncover the criteria followed for these allocations and to understand why disadvantaged orchardists are being subjected to unjust treatment,” he added.
“I give you assurance that we will bring about a positive transformation in our agriculture and horticulture sectors, aligning them with the necessary requirements and demands and elevating their standards,” Bukhari claimed.
“Once our party is elected, we will officially designate Horticulture as an Industry. We will be establishing ‘Apple Villages’ in Shopian and other suitable locations to harness and nurture the natural potential in the horticulture sector,” he added.
Bukhari urged people not to fall prey to the emotional slogans or unattainable goals that are used by the traditional political parties and their leaders solely for their own political gains.
He promised that Apni Party will ensure the solutions to J&K’s problems, but New Delhi hold the key for the viable solutions.
Ghulam Hassan Mir emphasised that Jammu and Kashmir requires sustained peace for its enduring prosperity and development. He said unfortunately, the traditional political parties have consistently engaged our younger generations with deceptive slogans like ‘Rai Shumari’, ‘Autonomy,’ ‘Self-rule,’ and similar rhetoric for several decades. As a result, we lost sight of crucial matters such as employment opportunities, well-being, prosperity, and overall development. Today, Jammu and Kashmir lags far behind the rest of the world, he maintained.