New Delhi ignores Valley

This has reference to “New Delhi ignores Valley” by M L Kotru DE Dated 27.06.15. It seems that the article has been dedicated to Yoga Day instead of above title. Author has tried to find the results of yoga within a week’s time and surprisingly he is looking up to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Taliban and Islamic state of Syria and Iraq for Yoga. He could not see the entire world rising to the occasion and accepting and recognising the ancient wisdom of our country. The popularity of yoga has not been hindered by the diversity of religious beliefs, languages or geographic conditions. He did not see the people practising yoga in Islamic countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Iran.
But unfortunately author did not see yoga bringing any change except that it confirmed the doubts of some ulema, which as per author are respected and learned, that Modi is trying to put the squeeze on the Muslim community by suggesting  that the Surya Namaskar, a yogic posture, for acknowledging another God from the one and the only God, they know off. But for the learned author let me remind that “Surya Namaskara” was never a part of curricula of the Yoga Day on 21st June.
He brings Ram Madhav also in picture. The author seems to be obsessed by  the RSS and Saffron. RSS initiated movement be they social-reformist or anti-secessionist- evoke ready response and approbation from the common multitudes as well as from vast numbers of elite of different shades. It represents a corpus of thought and action firmly rooted in genuine Nationalism and in the age old tradition of this country.
No other movement or institution has attracted such vast numbers of adherents, several thousands of them making social work their life’s mission, whose character and integrity are not doubted even by their most virulent critics.
Yours etc…
Ravinder Jalali
Roop Nagar Colony, Jammu