New hope for intfertile couples

Dr Richa Sharma
It of course a hope- better selection,, better embryos, better implanation, less multiples so less risk both to babies and mother so improving live birth rate.
Quality better judge of outcome than Quantity !!
Ideal and the only way of eSET
Best treatment option for RIF
More chances to survive freezing effects in lab storage
We can choose whats the best .
The first thing that usually comes to mind when people hear the term, “infertility treatment,” is the risk of multiple births. The incidence of triplets or higher-order births as a result of assisted reproductive technology is of great concern to all infertility practitioners and patients. But now there is a way to reduce or even eliminate the risk of multiples.The new technology not only helps more couples become parents, it also decreases maternal and neonatal risks. The new technology is known as blastocyst transfer. With blastocyst transfer, fewer embryos are transferred while maintaining and even increasing pregnancy rates. This technique virtually eliminates the risk of triplets or greater.Also we have a chance to select the best quality embryos.Its based on the concept of Survival of Fittest -so that fittest of all embryos will survive upto that stage.Its more physiological as its at this stage the embryos normally implant in body and this stage is relatively independent with full activation of embryonic genome !!
‘Blastocyst culture provides more physiological synchronization of the embryo with the endometrium, improving implantation rates’Blastocyst culture eliminates aneuploidic embryos leading to a better implantation rate.Minimizing exposure of the embryo to a hyperstimulated uterine environment.
In a typical non-blastocyst in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle, a woman’s eggs are retrieved and fertilized. If all goes well, the embryos are transferred into the uterus three days later. Due to the fact that it is difficult to predict on day three which embryos are more likely to produce a pregnancy, four or more embryos are frequently transferred in hopes that at least one will result in a live birth. Until now, this has been a reasonable approach in order to achieve acceptable pregnancy rates.
The downside is that sometimes all the embryos become ongoing pregnancies and the result is high-order multiple gestations (triplets or greater). In such pregnancies, there are considerable medical risks as well as financial and emotional considerations. So the couple is faced with the agonizing decision of whether to opt for selective reduction (the removal of one or more embryos) or to continue with a risky pregnancy. Although everyone agrees that every possible safeguard should be in place to avoid such unfortunate situations, the distressing reality is that multiple pregnancies sometimes do occur.
However, with blastocyst transfer, only two healthy embryos are transferred, practically eliminating the possibility of triplets or greater. And the same pregnancy rates are achieved as would be expected when three or more embryos are transferred on day three. Blastocysts are “heartier& healthier” than day three embryos and produce higher implantation rates (the percentage chance that an embryo will initiate a pregnancy). Studies at some some centers report achieving even better pregnancy rates with blastocysts.

Doctors are limited by law to transferring a maximum of 2 embryos (in women under 40), it can be difficult to select the one embryo that may develop into a healthy baby. All 6 embryos may look like they have the same potential on day 3. Two additional days development in the blastocyst culture medium allows the natural selection process to continue. Thus, after 5 days of growth in the laboratory, only 2 or 3 of the original embryos may remain viable. This gives the doctors the best way to analyze which is the best embryo to transfer leading to a healthy pregnancy and baby.
So ultimately not the quantity but quality counts to add to outcome which every couple wants and interested – Take home baby rate.