New protocol policy

This refers to the headline “J&K drafts new protocol” in DE Nov 4, 2017. When we notice that CJI and Speaker Lok Sabha, have been placed below the DY CM, it reflects that CSC making such recommendations is quite ignorant about the powers of these both posts. The most powerful authority CJI has to function as  President or Vice-President, when the post is vacant until next President is selected. The CJI swears in the President. He is highest constitutional authority of the Justice in democracy. The powers of CJI are mandated by Constitution under articles 124, 127,130-, 146, 222,257,258 and 290. The Speaker holds complete authority of Lok Sabha as true guardian of Indian Parliamentary Democracy; a guardian of the rights and privilege the members of the two houses, no member can speak without his permission, can remove or lift any member showing disrespect to authority. He/she is elected by 550 Members of Parliament with majority vote. Whereas DY CM is representative of just one Assembly Segment only and he is DY CM till the wish of the CM. Except for the CM or PM; no other ministerial post has received a mention in the Constitution. Article 163 and 164 of the constitution are very clear on the ministerial induction.  There is no mention of Dy CM. So Dy CM is like any other minister in the Council of Ministers and this designation is just a creation out of the necessity of coalition politics.
Overall the recommendations are to garland the Dy CM at all the places and at all the time, irrespective of his powers and status. Moreso ours is not such a big state like UP that require a Dy CM. The best consideration that is required from Cabinet to these recommendations is to abolish the post of Dy CM rather than going for illogical recommendations.
Yours etc….
Mahadeep Singh Jamwal