New recruitment policy

It is a fact that 90 percent expenditure of the State is borne by the Central Government. The State is yet to generate its own income to meet its requirements.
Reeling under tremendous pressure, the State Govt has formulated and adopted a new employees recruitment policy with two intentions. First, to provide maximum employment to the unemployed youth. Second, to lessen the financial burden on the State exchequer.
Exempting gazetted posts from the new recruitment policy is a cruel joke. It is unfortunate and based on the ill will against “Aam Admi” This discrimination has added salt to the injury.
In order to make the new recruitment policy some how acceptable to all the sections of the employees, the gazetted posts aught to have been brought under the new recruitment policy if not completely at par with the non gazetted employees to make it acceptable to the all sections of the Govt employees.
Yours etc….
Autar Krishan Razdan
Lale-Da Bagh,