Next big thing in India

Sunny Arora
Traditional media has shifted to digital media. Digital media products have populated the world we live in today. Nowadays, everything is digitalised.
Technology has not only made people smarter and more developed, but also changed the old times’ consumption pattern of the market.
As time passes, the internet continues to grow day by day, making it a better and secure platform for marketing. Traditional media is limited up to some points, and the user is turning blind because of that. That’s why they are shifting more towards the internet.
All humans are creative beings, creative by nature, creative by souls. And the brand that integrates such a platform for these creative zombies becomes the next big thing in the Indian market. Some key factors are:
* Speed and first content creation
Every content portal’s sole purpose is to become the ‘crusader’ in the field of virality, which depends majorly on the speed, the rate of first content creation. While the whole point is of being original and fastest in creation, you not only have to be alert and updated but also have to maintain a variation as well, which ultimately leads to virality.
Content is like the food and readers like the hungry customers, the dish you serve first has the maximum taste of consumption.
In the generation of bullet trains, no one wants to ride on the bullock cart. Speed is what makes content industry different from any other form of media portals.
* Shareability
Virality is never by chance or a matter of coincidence. It is pure science that gets derived from the parameters of timing and other relevant parameters like its originality, targeted audience, targeted region, and emotional factor. Apart from these, shareability plays a significant role in the content industry. You can like, read, share, and comment on a story of your choice. Only viral content portals give you the freedom to explore, to share. It gives more strength to the users and also increases the connectivity which booms the market.
Also, SEO being the only way to get live views on a story, mastery and combination of all these points create a post that is read by billions.
You can’t use the newspaper to express your feelings, can you? But you can share the stories of your choice on a web portal. One-way communication lacks the importance of customer satisfaction. Two-way builds trust.
* Easy Accessibility
Readers from anywhere can access the information any time, irrespective of the language they speak or understand. Also, the shareability factor helps the content reach a maximum percentage of the audience within minimal time. The biggest advantage it gives to the suppliers as well as the consumers of the information is that it automatically reaches the public without major efforts.
In old times, people were directly dependent on the newspapers and radio broadcasting for any type of information. With time, electronic media took over but still it has many barriers when it comes to consumption of information.
Content portals are readily available, and one can consume information from it any time, at any place. Quickly accessible, easy to use along with a huge variety, what else do you need? Ah! A soft drink and popcorn for a better reading.
* Providing a platfrom
Content portals play a significant role in the digital media world. They provide a unique platform to every single user.
Even ordinary people of the country can raise their problems by using content portals as a medium. They can put up their life stories which make them ‘famous ordinary people.’
In the early days, connectivity and communication were limited to some points. People used to pass a book from one hand to another by writing in each other’s notebooks. After all, it was the best way to communicate at that point in time. One didn’t have any single platform to express, explore, but nowadays web portals are becoming easier, better and a more entertaining way of communication, which one prefers over any other medium.
The internet expands the horizons of every utterance or expressive act to a significant level. The definition of global and local has changed after the storm of ‘web’ in every house. Even the chaiwallas and sabziwalis are getting famous nowadays, which shows the enormous power of web portals, and also marks the presence of an ordinary man at a global level with the global faces.
* Readability and understanding
A large number of content portals also help users find the one with the easiest logical representation that can save their time, assuring that understandability does not become a barrier to accessibility and usability.
It provides information in every possible way, including videos, to increase the degree of understandability. Plus there are inter-linkings available on every page to make the terms used in the content clearer, ie clicking on the inter-linked part will take you to another page providing you with more information for the same. You type a word and you will get an answer. You type two words and you will get options. You type three words and you will get all the related stuff.