NHM employees protest seeking regularization of services

NHM employees staging protest at Exhibition Ground in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
NHM employees staging protest at Exhibition Ground in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 14: All J&K NHM Employees’ Association, Jammu province today started 48-hours protest demonstration at Exhibition Ground, demanding the Government to set up a policy for regularization of NHM employees.
Hundreds of NHM employees drawn from various parts of Jammu and other districts of the province assembled at Exhibition Ground. Demanding regularization of their services and fulfillment of their other already agreed demands, they raised slogans against the Government for adopting delaying tactics on fulfillment of their demands.
Addressing the protesting employees, Rohit Seth, president, J&K NHM Employees’ Association, said that the aim of holding this protest and strike is to inform the State Government as well as concerned authorities about the genuine grievances of NHM employees which it has not conceded so far forcing them to go for protests and strikes.
The main demands which were highlighted in the protest include immediate regularization of NHM employees, maximum increment to all NHM employees, particularly for Paramedics and Management staff and implementation of the policy of ‘equal pay for equal work’. The employees also demanded implementation of 7th Pay Commission for NHM employees as has already been done in case of other Centrally sponsored schemes like SSA.
Further, it has been informed that more than 12000 employees are working in J&K under different schemes of NHM and most of them have already crossed the age of upper limit, adding that NHM is the only backbone of health care system so Government should acknowledge them and regularize their services.
Meanwhile, a large number of NHM employees held a strong protest and observed complete pen down strike in all blocks viz. Ghat, Thathri, Gandoh, Assar and Bhaderwah and were demanding immediate regularization of their services.