Night Nourshing

Shahnaz Hussain
Night nourishing is important for normal to dry skin, especially during winter.  People with dry skin are prone to early aging and nourishing helps to delay the formation of early lines and wrinkles, keeping the skin smooth and youthful.
Nourish the skin at night, before bedtime, with a night cream. A night cream is basically a nourishing cream and is useful for normal to dry skins. Those who are prone to pimples, or have oily skin, should not use night creams. Night nourishing also preserves the elasticity of the skin and improves its ability to retain moisture. It tones the skin and improves blood circulation to the skin surface.
A night cream is to be used at night, before bedtime, after cleansing the skin thoroughly. The night time routine is important, as all the pollutants and make-up should be removed from the skin. The skin should be nourished and clean. When we sleep, all the repair and restoration work of the body can go on efficiently. Proper cleansing and nourishing helps to remove dead cells and speed up the skin’s regeneration of new skin cells. Night time pampering of the skin also helps us to give special care to particular areas, like the area around the eyes, the neck and hands. These are areas which are the earliest to show signs of age. Massaging the    nourishing cream into the skin also helps to tone the muscles and improve blood circulation.
First, cleanse the skin thoroughly to get rid of the pollutants and impurities that have deposited on the skin during the day. After cleansing, apply the night cream on the face. Taking a little water, massage the cream on the skin, using circular motions, with outward and slightly upward strokes. Massage for 3 to 4 minutes and then remove all cream with moist cotton wool. Remember that when you massage, use gentle strokes, without pulling or stretching the skin. Massage the delicate skin around eyes, with the ring finger only. Using the lightest touch, stroke outwards over the brows, continuing underneath the eyes and over the eyelids. Use movements in one direction only and not back and forth. Apply the night cream on the neck too and massage with strokes starting from the chin and going downwards. Use both hands to massage the neck, one hand following the other.