NIT row

Apropos to the article written by  Nishikant Khajuria, a correspondent with your esteemed  daily news paper,I would like to add that whatever has happened in the NIT Srinagar is an unfortunate incident and simultaneously a matter of concern for all of us .But the main concern still remains at large,as no solution could be traced  for the dead lock.I totally oppose that students are being asked to have their whims and fancies whether to continue and sit in the ensuing exam or to move to their homes and have their exam latter on.I fail to under stand what type of decision is this.How students can sit in their homes,watching their other contemporaries taking their exams and vanish their synchronization without any fault that has erupted on a common plate form? Why such type of decision is not being taken,that those who are intending to go to their homes should be satisfied with the decision that their parents can come and meet their wards in the camps itself, & suitable arrangements are made for the parents to stay in the campus for maximum two days;by adjusting some dates to adjust their crowd, there off.?Why are we hell bent to play with their career,when they have managed to enter the prestigious institution by virtue of their hard work.
I also agree that the demand of shifting the NIT is not genuine,but when we are failing to protect some one, the demand gathers space. Further no concrete way has been proposed till date, with which the agitation can be revoked by the students.No cop has been suspended till date, no body from the side raising anti India slogans has been rusticated or punished so that such things may not recur.We cannot merely sit on passing the time on each occasion.The law course should act uniformly on each of us.The  students should never be allowed to let themselves feel let down & feel helpless. If they learn here only to pass their time,they would become habitual in future also & would prove useless in future in any field for the nation So they should be taught that justice would percolate to their patriotism for the altruism they have shown. Evacuation or Exodus is no way a solution.
Your etc…..
V K Rattanpal