NITI Aayog, UNDP recognise Baramulla’s efforts for quality elementary education

Irfan Tramboo

Srinagar, May 4: NITI Aayog, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has released a report titled “Best Practices in Social Sector: A Compendium 2023.” The report highlights successful efforts by the J&K administration to improve access to quality elementary education, particularly in North Kashmir’s Baramulla.
The report makes a case for the efforts put in by the district administration of Baramulla and the officers of the School Education Department, noting that one of the initiatives that stood out is the community participation in the management of schools, particularly in the implementation of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan programs, now merged as Samagrah Shiksha Abhiyan.
The objective of the Samagrah Shiksha Abhiyan, report stated, was to identify community members who could participate in managing schools, create awareness in academic and non-academic activities, improve retention and re-enrollment of dropouts, and regularize students.
As per the report, a notable effort was taken by the Deputy Commissioner of Baramulla, along with the headmaster and staff of High School Katipora Zone, Tangmarg, to increase school enrolment and began by admitting their own children to the school, which motivated other parents in the area to enroll their children as well.
At the school’s Annual Day celebrations, the report stated that the outgoing students were rewarded with cash prizes and certificates for their excellent performance in annual examinations, which further encouraged students and parents.
It is to be noted here, the report is presented in the form of a compendium showcasing 75 best practices in various sectors across the country. The objective of the report is to highlight innovative, sustainable, replicable, and impactful models in the social sector. It also aims to synthesize lessons for the future to improve the quality of life at the grassroot level.
In another village called Nambla, the report stated that a local headmaster, Wali Mohammad Kakroo, was transferred to a school where around 200 out-of-school children in the age group of 6-14 needed to be enrolled.
“The school’s condition was poor, with only six rooms, and part of the building was damaged by an earthquake. With the help of the local community, staff members, and School Development and Monitoring Committee members, Kakroo was able to generate funds for the damaged building. The CEO of Baramulla also contributed Rs 5 lakh towards the renovation of the school.”
With improved facilities, the report noted that the school saw higher enrollment, and its results improved from 30% to 70% and the impact of these efforts was significant.
The enrollment of the school, the report pointed out, increased from 200 to 698, and infrastructure improvements were made, including the establishment of a science laboratory, library, additional classrooms, and separate toilets for boys and girls, and an herbal garden on the school campus.
Further, the Ministry of Education granted an ICT lab, and an additional computer lab of 13 computers was established locally. “Sports infrastructure was also made functional. The school participated in various sports competitions at the district and zonal levels, and mandatory parent-teacher meetings also led to an improvement in the results.”
The report underlines that the success of these initiatives did not go unnoticed, and the district received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration.