NMC urges HM to redress issues of employees, pensioners

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 10: National Mazdoor Conference (NMC) today appealed the Union Home Minister (HM), Rajnath Singh, to redress the long pending issues of employees, pensioners and daily rated workers of the State.
Addressing a meeting of workers, NMC president, Subhash Shastri said that HM should hold meetings with representatives of trade unions and employees’ federations to get themselves apprised of the working conditions and long pending issues pertaining to them. “Singh should take into account the pending issue of regularization of nearly 61000 daily rated workers”, Shastri added.
Shastri further added that Singh while apprising the Prime Minister about his visit should also place the fact that additional budgetary grant of Rs 9000 crore be given to the State Government to meet the expenses on account of such regularization and payment of pending arrears of 7th Pay Commission in J&K State, as has already been announced by the State Finance Minister while presenting the 2017-18 budget of the State in the State Assembly on January 11, 2017.
He also appealed Rajnath Singh to take into account aspirations of all segments of the population of Jammu region also, as being Home Minister of the Country it is his moral duty to meet every social, political and other organizations of Jammu province, who were awaiting his visit earnestly.
The NMC president hoped that development of Jammu will also figure in Home Minister’s agenda. He further expressed hope that ensuing visit of the Home Minister will be fruitful as per the aspiration and will help in normalizing the situation in the Valley.