No controversies in coalition, Alliance will stay united: Mufti

Neeraj Rohmetra
JAMMU, Oct 2: Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed said today that there was no scope of any controversies between the two coalition partners-PDP and BJP during autumn session of the Legislature, starting tomorrow, and that both the parties will put up united face in both Houses of the Legislature and avoid all controversial issues even as he felt that main Opposition party-the National Conference could rake up certain issues to split coalition in the Legislature.
Addressing joint meeting of the PDP-BJP Legislature Party at his official residence in Srinagar, the summer capital of the State, on the eve of eight days long Legislature session, Mufti cautioned the coalition legislators that the Opposition parties could rake up the controversial issues in both Houses of the Legislature but said the MLAs/MLCs of the two parties would stay united and foil the Opposition strategy.
“They (the Opposition parties) might highlight the controversial issues but we have to stay united. We will face the Opposition unitedly,” he said, adding “the Opposition has the right to have their own strategy but we have to avoid controversies. They want us to be divided but we have to put up the united front”.
Autumn session of the Legislature starting tomorrow will last till October 10.
Insiders in the meeting told the Excelsior that the Chief Minister announced that Panchayat elections will be held in time in April next year and they will be fully empowered unlike the previous Government, which had kept the Panchayats powerless.
“The Panchayats will have 3-tier system,” he announced and said the Panchayat elections will be followed by the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) polls, whose Corporators will also have the powers like other parts of the country. He regretted that the previous Government (of National Conference and Congress) had kept the Panchayat members handicapped.
Regarding controversial issue of beef ban, which was expected to be taken up by the National Conference in both Houses of the Legislature as party MLAs and MLCs have given private member’s bills to this effect, Mufti Sayeed reportedly told the coalition legislators that the matter was sub-judice in the Supreme Court and can’t be discussed in any House.
Reiterating that he planned to institutionalize the system by providing best governance in Jammu and Kashmir, the Mufti said: “Mufti or no Mufti, the system should work and go on”.
On reports of slow pace of developmental works in Jammu, Sayeed assured the legislators of the Alliance partners that the works will improve. “The Works Minister will personally monitor the works in Jammu,” he said and advised all the Ministers not to be `constituency specific’ so that no region feels discriminated or alienated in the State.
Sayeed said that sessions of the Legislature provide rare opportunity for discussing various issues concerning welfare of the people at large.
He described J&K legislature as one of the most powerful democratic institutions of the country and hoped that during the autumn session of the Assembly beginning tomorrow, the alliance partners will significantly contribute in deriving maximum benefit for the good of the people.
Mufti Sayeed exuded confidence that the opposition parties will play a constructive role during the session, which will facilitate the smooth conduct of business in the Houses and would eventually make the proceedings result-oriented.
In his address, Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh asserted that conspiracies were being hatched against the PDP-BJP coalition Government both within and outside the State but declared that the Government would overcome all such conspiracies and emerge stronger.
Dr Singh declared that the PDP-BJP coalition will present joint face in both Houses of the Legislature and face all issues and controversies jointly.
“The Opposition will try to rake up the controversial issues but the PDP-BJP with their joint posturing will not allow the Opposition to succeed in their designs,” the Deputy Chief Minister said.
Dr Singh assured the meeting that BJP, as an alliance partner, will play a positive role in the smooth conduct of proceedings of the House. He said BJP is a responsible party that understands the significance of strengthening the democratic institutions.
PDP president Mehbooba Mufti said the PDP-BJP will keep meeting every day before start of the session in both the Houses to devise their strategy regularly to effectively counter the Opposition.
“Both the parties will put up united face in the House,” Mehbooba said.
Mehbooba Mufti asked legislators to demonstrate maturity and take best advantage of this democratic institution so that the sufferings of the people are ameliorated. She also expressed satisfaction that both the alliance partners share the understanding to play a constructive role, enabling the Government to do the best it can for the welfare of the people of the State.
Those who attended the meeting also included Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of the State and Members of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of the Alliance partners.
The joint meeting of PDP and BJP legislators was preceded by PDP Legislature Party meeting, which was attended by Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, PDP president, Mehbooba Mufti and all the MLAs and MLCs.
In both the meetings, threadbare discussions were held on various other issues for smooth conduct of the business in the autumn session of the Legislature.
Sources said the autumn session was likely to be stormy as the Opposition parties like NC, Congress, CPM and some Independent candidates could rake up the controversial issues to corner first-ever PDP-BJP coalition Government. However, they added. the coalition was also well prepared to face the Opposition parties.