No cosmetic return formula acceptable to migrants: AIMCCC

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 5: All India Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AIMCCC) has cautioned the displaced people from Kashmir against those vested elements and self styled leaders who are hobnobbing with certain agencies for the return of Kashmiri Pandits to Valley.
In a statement issued here, today Desh Rattan Pandita president of AIMCCC and its chairman B K Raina said that some vested interests are hobnobbing with certain agencies for return of the Pandits to Valley without taking the real migrants and affected people of the community into confidence.
They said that the migrants are willing to return to their homeland but for this purpose a blue print be issued first as the community should feel a sense of security there. He said no return plan which will result in another exodus after some years can’t be acceptable to the community nor the cosmetic return process is any viable solution to the problems of the seven lakh Kashmiri Pandits living in exile in different parts of country for last 34 years.
They said the people who left Kashmir over hundred years back can’t decide the fate of the community by living abroad or in metropolitan cities of India. The people who actually suffered due to terrorism and turmoil need to be taken into consideration and any decision on the return and rehabilitation should be taken by taking them into confidence.
They said that such a fool proof mechanism for the rehabilitation of displaced people be evolved which guarantees both return and retention of community and also ensures social and economic security to it.