No Govt worth name in J&K: Rehman

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 21: Samajwadi Party (SP) State president and former MLA Sheikh Abdul Rehman today alleged that there was no Government worth name in the State.
Talking to reporters here this afternoon, the SP State chief said the Governemnt does not exist any where on ground but on papers only. The coalition partners are not only on  war path with each other but there is infighting within Congress and NC also, he added.
He said the SP in its office bearers meeting here took stock of political situation in the state and expressed its dismay over the state of affairs and dismal functioning of Coalition   Government.
Lambasting the Government he said recently a religious shrine was torched in Kashmir but people were not allowed to protest and to suppress their voice undeclared curfew was imposed. He also accused the opposition parties of not coming upto the expectations of the people and alleged BJP and PDP stand exposed before masses as they believe in exploitive politics and there past record is not good also.
He made a dig at BJP and NC saying while one stands for abrogation of Article 370 the other too is exploiting masses on the name of autonomy and both are adopting extremist approach. The NC has itself eroded the autonomy and it wants more powers for itself and does not like to percolate the same to the democratic institutes at grass root level.
Strongly advocating for autonomy Sheikh Rehman said that this demand echoed in recently held Chief Ministers conference also and many Chief Ministers also demand the same even those of BJP ruled States.
He while reiterating his demand on regional councils in the State as has been recommended by the interlocutors in their report expressed apprehension that this report too may met the fate of Sikri Commission, Gajender Gadkar Commission and Wazir Commission reports.
He said resolutions for constitution of regional councils, strengthening of Panchyati Raj system in the State and appointment of a retired judge of the High  Court with integrity as head of the State Vigilance Commission.
He said SP has decided to reconstitute block level and district level committees within one month to accelerate its movement in the State.