No major terror strikes in 4.5 years other than Uri: Rijiju

NEW DELHI: Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju on Wednesday said that there has been no major militant attack other than Uri in the past 4 to five years in the country.
According to the minister, the reason behind the situation was better inter-agency co-ordination and sharing intelligence that played a vital role in preventing major attempts and de-tuning the negative forces.

Addressing the delegates at the inauguration of the 19th International Seminar on Synergized Response to the emerging IED and Terrorist Threats, he said that the fact cannot be denied that there were attempts.
However, due to seamless co-ordination of our multi agency centres and prompt actions by the security forces and timely arrests made by them based on better intelligence sharing has helped.

He said that at fag end of his term, he was confident of the fact now that whatever threats may be there, but our security forces will be able to tackle them.
The minister expressed concerns over the fast changing landscapes of threats adding that the attacks and threats with advancements in different field have gone beyond thinking, however, he said that in return the response to such threats from our security agencies have been enormous.

He said that with rapid advancements in the technology the things will further change and the dimesion of threats will go to another sphere.
He said that earlier there were blame games between the agencies due to lack of coordination, but the situation has improved in the last four and a half years and no such blame games have taken place in the country.
Further Mr Rijiju said that such blame games are not healthy in any kind and rather do not let the systems function smoothly.

Talking about the problem of militancy and terror threats, he said that for the past few years the global community has come together against the problem.
He said that this problem is not confined to any boundary, and now their is better cooperation and coordination between the several other countries and people are happy to work together in fighting the issue.

Even those countries that were not related to India, have now come together to contribute against the growing problem.
Rijiju appreciated participation of people from several countries to pool in ideas and suggestions for the subject hoping to receive valuable suggestions.
Various people including senior police, armed forces officers, security experts from different countries and different agencies of the country are taking part in the seminar and will discuss upon latest kind of threats and ideas to fight them.


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