No new project to NHPC unless Dul Hasti, Salal, Uri returned: CM

Sanjeev Pargal

Chief Minister Omar Abdullah at a public meeting at Kishtwar on Thursday.

JAMMU, Apr 18: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said today that the Government has decided not to hand over any new power project to National Hydro-electric Power Corporation (NHPC) in future until and unless it returned three power projects—Dul Hasti, Salal and Uri to Jammu and Kashmir.
“We are not going to handover execution of any new project to the NHPC in future. They would have to return three projects to the State for taking over a new project from us. Unless they do so, they will not get any project,’’ Omar said addressing a public meeting at Kishtwar town this afternoon.
Dul Hasti project is located in Kishtwar, Salal in Reasi and Uri in Baramulla.
The harsh stand taken by the Chief Minister against the NHPC came as the State continued to suffer heavy losses on account of its power purchase bill. The losses were reported to have touched around Rs 2500 crore in view of widening gap between power purchase and revenue generated from the customers.
Omar said the NHPC can be allowed to execute power project in joint venture with the State Government but not alone.
The Government’s decision not to allow the NHPC to construct any new power project in the State assumed significance as the Centre Government’s Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) has constructed most of the hydro-electric power projects in the State. Even some of the power projects under execution are being constructed by the NHPC.
“I want to tell them (NHPC) categorically that we will not give any project to NHPC alone in future unless it agrees to give back the projects we have asked for,” Omar said.
“We are strongly and vehemently advocating the return of Uri, Salal and Dul Hasti power projects back to the State by NHPC to compensate the losses we are regularly incurring due to the Indus Water Treaty,” he said adding, NHPC is putting hurdles in the State’s efforts.
The Rangarajan Committee report constituted by Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to assess economic needs of Jammu and Kashmir had also advocated return of Dul Hasti project to the State. However, the recommendation of the Panel was never implemented despite the State Government taking up the matter repeatedly with the Centre.
Besides Rangarajan Committee, three Interlocutors appointed on Jammu and Kashmir had also advocated return of Dul Hasti to Jammu and Kashmir.
Pointing out that the NHPC has taken full advantage of the power projects and it is now their duty to return them for the State’s economic betterment without further delay, Omar expressed hope that Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi will use their offices to make NHPC return the power projects to the State as early as possible.
The Government had been at loggerheads with the NHPC for the past quite sometime now on the return of power projects to the State. While the NHPC hadn’t been forthcoming with open comments on the Government’s demand for return of the projects, it had indirectly communicated to both the Centre and the State that it had invested a lot on the three projects and their return would mean heavy losses to the PSU.
The Chief Minister said that he would work tirelessly to ensure that three power projects are returned to the State. “I would continue to work to make it happen,’’ he added.
He highlighted the State’s potential to produce substantial quantity of hydel power and said, the economic prosperity of Jammu and Kashmir lies in harnessing its hydel power potential and utilising it for industrial, agricultural and other purposes, besides selling the surplus.
Omar referred to the launch of four important hydel power projects of Ratle, Packaldul, Kawar and Kiru sanctioned by his Government in the Chenab Valley and said the power generated from these projects will catapult the State’s power scenario.
Meanwhile, hitting out at People’s Democratic Party (PDP) propaganda on water resources, Omar though it is crying hoarse now, PDP lost voice on the power policy during its tenure.
Questioning the locus-standi of PDP on this issue Omar said, not even one mega watt capacity of power project was launched in the State during the PDP Government.
“Crying hoarse is something else and taking action when in power, is something different,” he said and added that his Government has launched dozens of mega, small and micro projects through the State Power Development Corporation, in PPP mode, as joint ventures and also in IPP pattern.
“Injustice has been meted out to the State by granting rights on the waters of JK rivers to Pakistan without consulting Jammu and Kashmir and compensation,’’ the Chief Minister said.
He said that financial health of the State could only be improved by utilising the State’s water resources and his Government is working on this policy without any political consideration, which is clear by the fact that completion of these projects will go beyond the 2014 Assembly elections.
The State’s economic status can be viewed by the fact that it has a total annual income of Rs 6,500 crore from all sources and has to pay Rs 13,500 crore as salary to its employees and Rs 1,500 crore as pension, annually.
“This makes me visit New Delhi time and again for financial support,” he said.
“To achieve this goal, harnessing of hydel power potential is only way out,” he added.
A scheme costing over Rs 50 crore has been sanctioned for providing drinking water facility to Kishtwar area, Omar said adding, locals will be preferred for employment in the power projects and necessary directions in this regard have already been issued.
The Chief Minister said that though the representation to Kishtwar in the Council of Ministers has been belated yet the progress and comprehensive development of this area never lost the sight of his Government or his party.
He also mentioned the progress of work on three most important roads of Kishtwar-Dacchan, Inshan-Marwah and Gulabgarh-Machari and said while the first two roads would be completed this year the third one is expected within next two years.
He also mentioned the sanctioning of degree college, University Campus and Polytechnic for Kishtwar district and said that his Government’s attention is focused on the holistic development of underdeveloped and far-flung areas. He also mentioned the initiatives underway to bring erstwhile Doda district, which also includes Kishtwar, on tourist map.
The Chief Minister said that 12000 solar lights have been provided to Gujjar, Bakerwal and other backward population in Kishtwar district last year and Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Dr. Farooq Abdullah has sanctioned another 12000 solar lights for the district for distribution during the current year.
Omar said that locals of the area would be preferred for giving employment in the power projects adding that necessary directions in this regard have already been given to the concerned. He asked the youth to utilize the facility of ITI and Polytechnic allotted to Kishtwar for upgrading skills to ensure their placement in upcoming hydro electric and other development projects.
The public meeting was also addressed by Minister of State for Home, Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo and provincial president National Conference, Jammu, Devender Singh Rana. Many former legislators and local leaders were present on the occasion.
Later, the Chief Minister laid foundation of infrastructure for New University Campus at Kishtwar. It includes Administrative Block building, Boys and Girls Hostels. He expressed the hope that the campus would emerge as a significant seat of knowledge and education for the youth of this area.
He said it would provide opportunity to them to pursue higher goals of education and serve the State and this area. He called for balancing expansion and consolidation programmes.
Omar also interacted with NC workers in a separate meeting and heard their views on economic and political developments. Mr Rana was also present in the meeting among others.