No peace, progress possible without reversal of Aug 5 decisions: Farooq

NC leaders Dr Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah take a ride on Mahindra’s Thar jeep in Srinagar on Monday.
NC leaders Dr Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah take a ride on Mahindra’s Thar jeep in Srinagar on Monday.

‘J&K development scenario depressing’

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 5: Alleging that political uncertainty and escalating unemployment rate was direct consequence of August 5, 2019 action, former Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah said no peace and progress was possible without reversing this decision.
National Conference (NC) president and MP, Dr Farooq Abdullah said objectives of peace, economic progress and development in J&K cannot be achieved unless the measures taken on August 5 2019 are not reversed. On this day Centre scrapped Articles 370 and 35 A besides divided the erstwhile State into two Union Territories (UTs).
Dr Abdullah made these comments after unveiling the new Thar Jeep at Shuhul Automobiles, Nowgam in Srinagar. He was accompanied by party vice President and son Omar Abdullah and other party leaders.
Dr Farooq said the goal of inclusive development in J&K can be turbo-powered only by empowering the people of Jammu and Kashmir in real sense and by reversing the August 5, 2019 actions. “J&Ks path to development and economic progress is not possible unless New Delhi doesn’t do justice with the people of J&K and reverse all the decisions taken on August 5, 2019,” he said.
“Until recently feted for topping various human development indices, the development scenario in J&K currently is very depressing. The private sector in J&K particularly has suffered major reverses on one account or the other since August 5, 2019.
Despite being very stunted, the private sector in J&K used to provide jobs to scores of well qualified and skilled youth. Regrettably the successive clampdown and lockdown since August last year has pushed the already ailing businesses to wall,” he said. He added that it was a stupendous challenge of fast-tracking all round development which has been at receiving end in J&K since the unilateral, unconstitutional and undemocratic abrogation of Articles 370 and 35 A.
A catch-up to the pre-crisis situation former chief minister said was a far cry under present situation with no active fiscal support coming from government and that the pervasive unemployment in J&K was a direct consequence of the measures undertaken by GOI last year. While expressing concern over the plethora of challenges, the youth of Kashmir are facing on account of declining employment opportunities in J&K, Dr Farooq said, “J&K provides numerous opportunities in agriculture, handicrafts, food processing and other untapped resources in the services sector and hospitality sector.
Fostering entrepreneurship activities, however requires a conducive atmosphere for the businesses to thrive. Budding entrepreneurs continue to suffer due to lack of support from Government and financial institutions,” he said.