No talks with Pakistan

Spate of terror strikes by Pakistan aided terrorists in the recent months have shown intensity both in numbers as well as in strategy. Keran misadventure lasted for 15 days. The ultras sent by Pakistan are being pushed into our territories under cover of firing at the LOC from it. This strategy adopted by Pakistan remains more intensified. Whole of the border has been made a zone of war like situation by Pakistan. It desperately keeps terror as its main military, diplomatic and the main strategic policy against India, talks or no talks.
Then to justify all such activities, it takes the refuge under all sorts of lies and denials. It has been raking the same cry of Kashmir forgetting 65 years period during which much water has flown down the river. There have been continuous border violations and even a few days apart from Keran, a large quantity of the arms cache has been unearhed by the Army in Baramulla bearing all Pakistani ordnance markings.
Very recently near Poonch LOC, as many as five IEDs were planted by Pakistani terrorists followed by heavy firing and shelling by Pakistani troops across Balakote, Mendhar and adjoining areas. The question is why should Pakistan do it without any provocation from India?
What outcome has been there from the talks held on many occasions with that country? The CM Omar Abdullah is right in saying normal lies with Pakistan are not possible till that country stops infiltration.
Yours etc….
Sonam Nurbu