No time frame for Govt: Ram Madhav

NEW DELHI, Feb 17:
BJP national general secretary Ram Madhav today said no time frame could be fixed for installation of the PDP-BJP Government in Jammu and Kashmir as talks for Common Minimum Programme (CMP) for the Governance was yet to be finalised.
Admitting that the RSS and other frontal organisations were kept in the loop for ongoing discussions, Mr Madhav, an interlocutor for talks with the PDP, said issues like Article 370 and Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) were also being discussed.
Amid speculations that both the parties have reservations for tricky twin issues, Mr Madhav made it clear that talks were underway to hammer out a solution to pave way for early installation of the Government in the sensitive border State of J&K.
Asked whether any Government would be installed or not, Mr Madhav said, “The Government would be certainly installed as the elections were held for the same purpose, but ‘no time frame can be fixed’,” he pointed out.
Jammu and Kashmir is currently under the Governor’s Rule as the Assembly polls verdict had thrown a fractured mandate and no party or coalition came forward to form the Government.    Speculations were rife that the deal between the BJP and the PDP would be clinched today for the formation of the new Government. (UNI)