No to dowry

Many laws have been enacted by the Govt to check the practice of dowry, which is now a cognisable offence. A groom demanding dowry can be criminally prosecuted, but it is not enough  till every one is made aware of these laws. We should realise that dowry cannot improve our financial position or make us rich. We should do away  this this sinful system. It is shame that dowry still exists in our society. We read about such incidents in newspapers. Statistics claim that a woman is murdered for dowry every 20 minutes. With open eyes we see the cases of dowry in our family and do not make an effort to stop it. Even education has not helped to check this practice. Mostly educated and financially sound people demand dowry. These people are educated illiterates. The judicial system of the country is the only hope.
Yours etc…
Prof. K K Gupta
Moti Bazar,  Jammu