No work no pay

Mr. Omar Abdullah’s bold statements on many issues are quite innovative and appreciable. This time, (News Item dated July 24, 2015 in your esteemed paper) it has come on “No work no pay” to Members of Parliament / State Assembly if they do not work and transact any business at least two hours a day. I say, why full salary and allowances working even for two hours. It should be on pro rata basis. These so called public servants who are elected for solving the problems of public and to work hard for development of the nation, often indulge in hooliganism and create ruckus in the Parliament / Assembly which is shameful for the nation as a whole and also lowers the image of India in the eyes of other countries. On one side we boost of becoming a super power, on the other hand these law makers break the law of running the House by stalling the proceedings of the House and even by manhandling each other.
Moreover, there can not be two yardsticks for same offence. If Government / PSU employees like Banks or Insurance Companies do not work while being on strike, no salary is paid to them for the period of their “No Work”. Why same rule can not be applied to these public servants. It is embarrassing to see our highest “Institution” in shambles and to note that the Parliament could not transact any business for the third day in a row.  Public is feeling nauseated seeing their behaviour on TV Channels fighting and shouting on each other. Why can’t they have a healthy debate on all such issues on which the ruling and the opposition benches have difference of opinion to reach to a common consensus in the larger interest of the nation. Time has now come, these law makers should rise above the party politics and frame a law to regulate their behaviour in the Parliament so as to save the precious time and public exchequer going to drains which otherwise could have been used for a good cause of National Development.
Yours etc…
Dr. Mahesh Dutt Bali
218/5, Channi Himmat, Jammu