Nobra, Turtuk, Samba deputations call on CM

Excelsior Correspondent

Chief Minister Omar Abdullah interacting with a deputation at Jammu on Thursday.
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah interacting with a deputation at Jammu on Thursday.

Jammu, Jan 23: Various deputations including those from Nobra, Turtuk and Samba called on Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah here today and presented him memoranda pertaining to various development demands and issues of public importance.
The deputations in their separate meetings expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for being responsive to public demands and reaching out  all areas of the State in the process of development equitably and taking historic decisions for public empowerment and transparency in Government functioning.
A deputation of Nobra and Turtuk led by MLA Nobra, Tsetan Namgyal raised the demand for boring of tunnel at Khardung La and requested the Chief Minister to take up the issue with the Centre Government and BRO Chief. It also requested Chief Minister’s intervention at the Centre Government level for lifting of innerline permit for labourers and tourists, opening up of Yarma- Gonbo ‘Panamic area’ for tourists, permitting tourists to visit up to Tyakshi-Pachathng and Thang area beyond Turtuk village and restoration of consumer petrol pump at Diskit.
The deputation demanded opening up of cross LoC route between Turtuk to Khapulu (PoK) and requested the Chief Minister for taking up the issue with the Union Government. It also requested for block status to Turtuk and allotment of special border area development fund to upgrade development activities in Turtuk area. The deputation demanded upgradation of PHC Turtuk to the status of Community Health Centre. It demanded special recruitment drive for unemployed youth particularly in Army, Para-military and Police forces. The deputation also sought Actual Line of Control Certificates for various villages falling within the five kilometers area from Actual Line of Control.
A deputation of Samba led by Master Noor Hussain invited the Chief Minister to Samba for addressing a public gathering and interacting with people which the Chief Minister accepted with open heart.
The Chief Minister gave patient hearing to the deputations and said that during the last five years focused attention of the Government has been on equitable and inclusive development. He said thousands of works launched, completed and commissioned during the last five years speak louder for the performance of the Coalition Government. He said the pace of work on various projects under implementation would receive further imputes in the current year. He assured the deputations that he would take all possible steps to get their genuine demands properly addressed.