NOFN in J&K State

The State is on the threshold of entering a new stage of laying 4,000 kilometers long optical fibre network which will become the instrument of connectivity between the Panchayats and block headquarters. December 2015 has been fixed for the BSNL to complete the project even as 1100 kilometer optical fibre will be laid by March 2014. This is a special project undertaken by the Union Government through National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) in Jammu and Kashmir.
This is a very admirable step taken by the Central Government and particularly in the case of the State which is mountainous and accessibility to remote areas, meaning block headquarters in many cases is difficult and forbidding. The broadband to be made available to the blocks and Panchayats will be a viable instrument of bringing knowledge to the people in remote areas. Its services can be utilized in many areas like education, health, governance etc. It is bound to change the economy and life style of people living in far off areas of the State. The project is time bound and we hope that the time frame will be adhered to. Alongside road connectivity programme that is on the development agenda of the State Government, the broadband connectivity will be a major step in the process of modernization of life in rural Jammu and Kashmir State.