Non-adherence to solid waste management guidelines

If environment is polluted, the immediate recourse among other penalties should be to follow the Polluter Pays Principle of recovering the ‘cost’ of damages as Environment Compensation. Management and disposing of the generated solid waste is taken just as lightly by various organisations and institutions otherwise mandatorily responsible for adhering to the directives of National Green Tribunal as also the guidelines from Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Board. It has been found that the world famous tourist destination Gulmarg in Kashmir has become ‘victim’ to such lethargy and non adherence to the guidelines about the solid waste management and disposal.
In this connection, a show cause notice has been served on the Chief Executive Officer of Gulmarg Development Authority asking him to explain as to why penalties could not be imposed on him for blatant violation of the guidelines and rules. It is quite unfortunate that irreversible damage is caused to beautiful meadows and open forest areas by dumping such material haphazardly. If higher authorities holding responsible posts as in the instant case, do not take enough pains in protecting environment and by that such beautiful and famous tourist resorts, it would mean a callous and irreparable loss to such natural boons. We expect that such casual approach towards environment, ecology and consequently to famous tourist destinations would be avoided at all costs and not tolerated when rules were violated.