Noorbagh Maternity hospital

Ten years ago in 2007, construction of a 30 bed Maternity and Childcare Hospital were begun in Noorbagh, a congested locality in the periphery of Srinagar. The foundation stone was laid with usual fanfare and much trumpeting was done that the people of the locality would be saved the trauma of running from one hospital to another to get their patients admitted and treated. The hospital was said to be fully equipped in all respects, manpower, doctors, equipment and all other activators. One decade has passed, the structure is partially raised in which make shift OPD works but for the rest of it, there is nothing to be seen. Locals when contacted expressed their surprise and deep; anguish that their suffering knows no end. They all are unable to explain when the hospital will become functional and pessimists said that they have no hope that it will come up; and become functional at any time.  Such is the apathy of the authorities towards a project that was taken in hand ten years ago. When will it come to completion and functioning is anybody’s guess.
People in the locality are suffering. There is no other medical institute near at hand where they could go and get the patients treated. Helplessly they have to go to various private hospitals of the city to find if their patient can be admitted even at exorbitant expenses because the life has to be saved. We strongly support the demand of the people for bringing the hospital to completion within shortest possible time and make it fully functional. The authorities when contacted by our correspondent expressed their inability to say when it would become functional. The Health Minister must come out with a statement clarifying what is the problem and when can the hospital in Noorbagh become functional.