North Korea sends top Kim Jong-un aide to Beijing

SEOUL, May 22:  North Korea sent one of its top military officials to Beijing today as a “special envoy” of its leader Kim Jong-un, state news agency KCNA  reported.

There were few details of Choe Ryong-hae’s visit, which came amid strained relations between China and North Korea after Beijing backed UN sanctions on Pyongyang for its February nuclear test.

Choe is the most senior North Korean official to visit Beijing since Kim’s uncle Jang Song-thaek made the trip in August 2012.

Jang had been seeking a visit to China for Kim Jong-un and to bolster Chinese investment in the impoverished and isolated North. He appeared to return empty-handed, according to diplomatic sources

Choe is part of a powerful circle around the North’s young leader that is headed by Jang. He is a long-time political administrator and was surprisingly made a vice marshal in the army last year despite having no military  background.

China, the North’s only major diplomatic ally, publicly condemned the nuclear test and Bank of China recently said it had ceased dealings with the North Korean Foreign Trade Bank, an institution that has been identified as a conduit for Pyongyang’s weapons programme.