Northern Army commander reviews security situation along LoC

Srinagar, Sep 23: Northern Army Commander Lt Gen D Anbu today visited north Kashmir to review prevailing security situation along the Line of Control.

            Accompanied by Chinar Corps Commander Lt Gen J S Sandhu, he visited forward areas and was briefed by the commanders on ground as regards the operational preparedness, a defence spokesman said.

            The Army commander was appreciative of the measures and standard operating procedures instituted by the units and formations to meet the challenges of infiltration bids and ceasefire violations, the spokesman said.

            Commending the outstanding performance of the troops and commanders, Lt Gen Anbu stressed the need to maintain the extra vigil to defeat the evil designs of hostile forces and assured his full support to further strengthen the security posture.

            He also lauded the synergy amongst all the security forces, be it the Line of Control or the hinterland, the spokesman added.  (Agencies)