Norway’s envoy calls on Omar Abdullah, discusses Kashmir issue

SRINAGAR : Norway’s Ambassador to India Nils Ragnar Kamsvag today called on National Conference working president Omar Abdullah here and discussed the Kashmir issue with him.
Kamsvag met the former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister at the latter’s Gupkar residence.
The overall political and economic situation of the state came up for a detailed discussion during the hour-long meeting between the two, a spokesman of the National Conference, the opposition in the state, said.
He added that Omar briefed the envoy about the prevailing situation in Jammu and Kashmir and the NC’s stand on it.
Several members of the public as well as delegations of political parties from Beerwah, Ganderbal, Budgam and Srinagar also met Omar and informed him of the problems being faced by the people in their respective areas, said the spokesman.
“Omar heard them patiently and assured them that he will take up their problems with the authorities concerned for an early redressal,” he added. (AGENCIES)