Noukriwala Mandir

Rajeshwar Singh Raju
As per Sanatan Dharma, the oldest religion on planet earth, it is believed that there are 33 Koti (type) of Gods and Goddesses. Devotees in large number throng the temples dedicated to these Gods and Goddesses to offer prayers with a firm belief that they come to their rescue whenever they need them.
One of such sacred places is a Hanuman temple located at Village Ghai, Charyalla, Tehsil Nowshehra, District Rajouri. This place is located about 8 KMs from Nowshehra City at Nowshehra to Kalar Road and is almost at LOC with Pakistan Border Jhangad.
It is believed that long ago, almost in 1967-68, a Sadhu belonging to a Royal family of Solan, Shimla area of adjoining state Himachal Pradesh had travelled through this area alongwith his female disciple named Sadhna. They carried a small idol of Hanuman with them. He made a small temple here with the help of inhabitants of surrounding areas and the idol of Lord Hanuman was installed. But after 5-6 years, he along with his disciple moved to an unknown place. After his exit from the place, the temple turned a deserted one.
In 1981, Audhaya Nath hailing from Charyalla village about 2 Kms from the temple, who had his own Jagran Mandli decided to renovate the temple. The villagers also came to extend whatever help they could render and the temple got renovated. Sh. Sant Ram, who used to live near the temple, was entrusted with the pious duty of performing regular prayers. It is said that he used to take wine and meat. But one day he saw a dream wherein he saw that Lord Hanuman instructs him that if he wished to serve him then he will have to abstain from Meat and alcohol. In the dream Lord Hanuman served him large quantity of meat and alcohol so as to quench his thirst for same. At this he got scared and decided never to touch meat and alcohol. From that day onwards, he served Lord Hanuman in that small temple with all dedication and devotion. It is said that he had intuition about his death. On that fateful day, after praying at Hanuman temple, he placed his turban there and never came back and left for heavenly abode. After the demise of Sita Ram, the temple was abandoned again as there was no care taker.
In 1996-97, Kuldeep Kumar who resides in nearby village Charyalla had startling experience that moved him from within. He recalls that when once he had objected a man from Bakarwal community from urinating towards the old temple. But Bakarwal retorted by saying, Does it look like a temple from any angle? Religious place are not kept this way.”
It moved him from within and he along with a few youths from the village decided to purify/renovate the temple at their own. The room made for the stay of Sadhu was dismantled as it was in shabby condition, and the stones used in the construction of that room were used for constructing a small room for Langar purpose. After the renovation of temple, they decided to organize a Bhandara here with the help, of locals. Its tremendous success inspired them to make it a regular feature. He has firm belief that with the blessings of Lord Hanuman, he got employed in J&K Bank in 1998.
It’s praiseworthy, that a big and beautiful temple has been made at old temple site now. It got completed within 6 years i.e. from 2000 to 2006 and has been built by Odiya artists, who are expert in this particular art. The temple is very attractive and a number of small idols of Gods have been installed in different corners of mounting walls of the temple which make it a worth seeing structure in the back drop of nature at peak.
The temple complex has total cover area of 5-6 kanals, which has a Langar Room, 2 halls, kitchen, Sadhu/Saint Stay Hall, 2 Shops and Bathrooms etc. Now-a-days , in order to take care of the temple in a smooth and organized way Hanuman Mandir Committee has been formed .
It is pertinent to add here that People living in adjoining areas believe that one who serves Pawan Putra Hanuman Ji with all dedication and devotion here, gets his/her wish fulfilled at all costs. The devotees have strong conviction that the youths who offer regular prayers in this temple get employed within one year. Amazingly, this temple is getting popular as ‘NOUKRI WALA MANDIR’ now-a-days.
Previously every year on 17th of February a grand Bhandara was organized on Sathapna Divas, but from the day a new idol of Lord Hanuman Ji was installed in the temple, it is organized on 8th of February annually. In fact, two Bhandaras are held every year i.e. on 8th February and in October month on the occasion of Hanuman Jayantis, when a big wrestling competition_ DANGAL is also organized. On both the occasions mass participation reflects the faith of devotees in this temple which has been increasing every day.
As the temple is situated in a dense forest area, it is being visited by many species of birds and animals like Pigeons, Pea-Cocks, different species of sparrows, crows etc. It is also believed that not only leopards but Tiger also pays regular visits to this sacred place which gets authenticated by his footprints on the ground made for wrestling. Moreover on every Monday, it is believed and witnessed by so many devotees that a Crow Couple visits temple in the morning when Prashad is offered to Lord Hanuman Ji and another bird called Khapri in local language enters the temple to ring the bell when others are offering prayers. It’s all amazing and proves a vital point that this pious religious place has spiritual concern.
The fact remains that such religious places, where one gets solace do confirm existence of Almighty in one form or the other. Even the scientists have failed to ignore super natural force. The existence of God is proved by the faith adopted by billions.
Religious places teach a valuable lesson of humanity and Charyalla, Nowshehra ‘s Hanuman Temple is also a valuable addition to this series for which locals of the region should be admired to preserve the traditions and boost Sanatan Dharam, ancient most religion on this Planet Earth.