Novel with a message

Manoj Kumar

Name of Book : An Office Story (Deaf and Dumb)
Author : S M Shridhar
Publisher : White Falcon
Pages : 198
Price : Rs 249

This 249-page book in English entitled “An Office story” (Deaf and Dumb) is a fiction work by S M Shridhar who has served in accounts branch of the Indian Army. He has out of his experience, woven an absorbing story as an imaginative writer.
This book comprises of ten chapters with very interesting titles like : Toddler’s Rendezervous, Difficult Ordeals, Might Right Overturned, Corruption Glorified, Martial Priorities Resolved, Lions Are Oppugnant, Depressed Persons, Dogged operations, Fundamental Antithesis, Boomeranging Expansivity and Oppression Nullificatiion.
Story with a Message
This novel is woven around a story of a person (author himself) who gets a job in Accounts section of the Defence Services and is posted at difeerent places and in various branches. He in a absorbing narration speaks about his experiences and also the slackness in the official dealings. The bureaucrats act not only mindlessly but heartlessly. The author expresses his opinion against delay in disposal of matters with a human heart and efficiency.
The main character Shridhar makes his writing interesting with his experiences and personal equations. The novel has the characteristics of a fiction work with the “chance love-making” and taking it to final settlement but the fate spoils the game.
He is finally married to a girl by his parents. But he has imaginary affairs with someone on telephone and ultimately the entire episode vanishes in the thin year but making the novel interesting and exciting with many lessons for the readership. He rightly pleads for efficiency and corruption-free official work for relief to the common people.
The book has been written in lucid, easy to understand language with unique style of its own. I read this book and got absorbed in it moving from page to page in just two days.
It is interesting and also rewarding with new experiences of life.
Interesting Reading
In this fiction work , the author has drawn a picture in which the only course for any official is to be “deaf and dumb” and not interfere in the on-goings around him or her. This small novel has many lessons for the readers . The book gives a deep look into the functioning of the offices and the latent intent of insensivity, inefficiency and also tendency to delay disposal for various considerations!
The remedy is to tone-up the entire administrative machinery for performances, productivity and speedy delivery with sense of fair-play.
Imagination at Play
The sauthor in his narration depicts himself hailing from Jammu and serving in the Accounts branch of Defence Services. He has varied and instructive experiences which he shares in this book.
He served at various places and in different capacity gaining new insight into the working of the units. Sensitive in nature with human heart, he looked at official dealings with sympathy and support to tackle the problem rather than simply pushing the files.
He has a lesson for more discipline, positivity, efficiency in disposal of cases in a human way but strictly under rules and regulations. Of course, the evil of corruption and delay have to be nipped in the bud.
The book has been produced well, finely printed on a quality paper and in superb literary style. The author S M Shridhar deserves a compliment and the publisher too needs a good word for venturing into this new field and enlightenment of the readership. It is good that it has been moderately priced . This fiction work is very interesting and instructive . It is useful for the common man particularly the youth to learn the lessons of life.
(Starline Syndicate Service)