Nowshera-Mirpur link

In 2008, India and Pakistan agreed to open two cross-LoC links in J&K as part of confidence building measure. It was the demand of people on both sides to open the link so that divided families could be facilitated to meet and remain in touch. Obviously, a human problem, the two Governments agreed on the modalities and the Uri-Salamabad in Kashmir and Chakan-da-Bagh link in Poonch were established. Along with that, trading facilities were also allowed under various conditions and with certain criteria. People on either side started coming and going across these links. Of course, there have been some hiccups, which the two sides discussed and resolved and an atmosphere of cordiality has been established.
There is realization on both sides that more cross-LoC links should be explored and established so that the fundamental principal of people to people interaction receives boosting. Already the matter of connecting Kargil with Askardu is under consideration of the authorities. More recently there is thinking in political circles that the Nowshera – Mirpur link should also be considered for opening. It is learnt that the Home Ministry has asked the State Government to submit a survey report of Nowshera-Jhangarh-Mirpur link across the LoC. This link will facilitate shortest journey for the people of Rajouri and Reasi districts intending to visit Mirpur and vice versa. Families from Jammu,  Rajouri and parts of Reasi who intend to visit PoK to see their relatives on that side,  are made to go to Poonch first and then to Chakkan-da-Bagh to reach Hajira or Rawalakote in PoK for their further journey to Mirpur, Kotli or Muzaffarabad.  The Poonch LoC point is far away from their native places. By opening this new route for the trade and travel, the people from these three-four districts and also the traders from Jammu and Rajouri on this side and Mirpur and Kotli on that side will be benefitted in big way.
We consider that regular people to people interaction and establishing trade relations are both highly conducive to normalization of relations with our western neighbour. We would like that people undertake journey without hassles. Banking, telecommunication and other logistical facilities should be provided so that the freeze in relations is done away with.