NPP activists protest seeking dissolution of Assembly

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 17: Accusing the Govt of India of wrongfully keeping the J&K Assembly under suspended animation for political interests, activists of NPP led by party chairman Harsh Dev Singh and president Young Panthers, Yash Paul Kundal and other leaders held a massive protest demonstration at Exhibition Ground here today.
The agitated activists while torching the effigy of ’25 headed monster’ on the eve of Dushera, amid thundering slogans drew the attention of Governor towards unlawful prolongation of suspended Assembly and sought immediate dissolution of J&K legislature.
Speaking to media persons, Harsh Dev said that nowhere in the country had any Assembly been kept in suspended animation for as long as four months despite none of the parties or combination of parties being in a position to form the Govt or even claiming to form the Govt. “Why at all should the J&K Assembly be kept in suspended animation? Is there any precedent, any law, any provision which allows you to keep the Assembly suspended in such circumstances?” Questioned Singh adding that J&K provided the most glaring example of flagrant violations of rule of law and of constitutional provisions for promoting political interests by the authoritarian and autocratic regimes.
Referring to the political impasse created in the State, Harsh Dev maintained that suspension of Assembly was supposed to be a transitory period during the constitution in which the Governor has to decide its fate and its prolongation was blatant violation of law besides prevalent practices and precedents. “If no political party or combination of parties was in a position to form the Govt, the only option was to dissolve the Assembly”, said Harsh.
Singh said that with almost all political parties except BJP having conveyed their unwillingness to form Govt the dissolution of Assembly was inevitable and required immediate attention of the Governor and the President of India.
He said Ghulam Nabi Azad Govt fell and none of the parties could muster requisite members, the Assembly was dissolved within one week. Likewise, he claimed that in 2005 the Bihar Assembly was dissolved within one month after the fresh elections as none of the parties or combination of parties could convince the Governor of having the magic numbers to form the Govt.