NPP calls for Jammu Bandh on Dec 17, opposes ex-gratia to ultras

NPP activists protesting against BJP at Jammu on Thursday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
NPP activists protesting against BJP at Jammu on Thursday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 15: Expres-sing strong resentment over State Government’s decision to clear ex-gratia to the next of the kin of Hizb militant Burhan Wani’s brother, a large number of National Panthers Party activists  held strong protest and torched effigies of 25 BJP MLAs from Jammu region. The party also given call for bandh  on December 17.
A strong contingent of NPP led by former minister and party chairman  Harshdev Singh and Yash Pal Kundal State president Young  Panthers assembled at Exhibition Ground near Press Club here today and staged a protest demonstration  against the BJP-PDP dispensation for appeasing the secessionists, militants and other disruptive forces. The angry protesters while raising anti-Government slogans torched the effigy of the BJP to express their anger and disgust. They also torched the effigies  of 25 MLAs of the BJP for their surrender before their coalition partner, PDP.
While addressing the media, Harshdev disclosed that the DC Pulwama had issued a notification announcing ex-gratia relief in favour of next of the kin of Burhan Wani’s brother Khalid Muzaffar Wani who was killed by the Army in an encounter in Buchoo forest area of Tral on April 13, 2015. He said that under rules, the ex-gratia of Rs 4 lakhs was supposed to be sanctioned to the kin of the people killed in the militancy related incidents but not to the next of kin of the militants.
He divulged that Khalid was an over ground worker of Hizbul Mujahideen outfit operative in Kashmir who met his fate and deserved no mercy. Lambasting the criminal silence of the BJP over the issue, Singh said that the Saffron Party had forgotten its kernel philosophy and once again proven that it could swallow anything for remaining glued to power.
Expressing serious concern over the mortification of the martyrs in the State,  Harshdev  revealed that since last couple of years several defence and security personnel had attained supreme sacrifice while confronting worse Pak sponsored terror attacks besides persistent heavy shelling and firing from across the border but the State Government paid no heed to provide ex-gratia to the next of kin of martyrs which was no less than a national sacrilege. Likewise, several farmers and residents of forward hamlets had lost their loved ones, crops and livestock during the ongoing border skirmishes but they were deplorably denied compensation. He questioned the State Govt and the BJP in particular that what kind of regime was running in the State where the compensation was announced for the militants and the anti-nationals but the State coffers remained dry for the revered martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the service of  Motherland.