NPP protests against delay in Assembly polls

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 28: Agitated over flimsy and freakish excuses given by the State Government to the ECI for postponing the Assembly elections in J&K, NPP activists led by party chairman Harshdev Singh staged a protest demonstration at Exhibition Ground here today.
While accusing both the Govt of India and the Governor’s administration for deliberately denying the people of the State their democratic rights, the infuriated protesters raised anti-BJP slogans and torched the effigy of Govt and Governor’s Administration.
Lambasting the State Govt run by the Governor’s administration for creating hurdles in the way of the Assembly elections in J&K without any rationale, Harshdev regretted that democracy in the State was being guillotined ruthlessly for the political expediencies of the ruling party at the Centre and vested interests of Governor’s administration. “BJP knowing the fact that it has lost the ground in its core constituency is hell bent to procrastinate the Assembly polls while the Governor and his coterie seemed to have tasted the pleasure of power and have become reluctant to part ways from it. What a shame that for their petty gains the people have been kept deprived of their right to choose representatives and to have an elected Govt in the State”, Harshdev rued.
Describing the appointment of “special observers” by the EC as futile exercise’, Singh divulged that despite the meeting of representatives of all the political parties with the full Election Commission earlier who in one voice advocated to hold Parliamentary and Assembly polls at the earliest, the committee of three eminent members were constituted by the poll body to assess the ground situation before taking the decision to hold the Assembly elections in the State. “Though Lok Sabha elections were announced to be conducted on time, the fate of Assembly elections was marred with suspense.