NPP protests discrimination with Jammu youth in Govt jobs

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 13:  Outraged by the highly biased selections to Govt jobs made by SSB, PSC and other recruiting agencies in favour of Kashmir by ignoring the youth of Jammu region in the unholy BJP-PDP rule, a large number of National Panthers Party activists led by party chairman Harsh Dev Singh held a  protest demonstration at Exhibition Ground, here today.

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The agitated protesters while raising anti-Govt and anti-BJP slogans accused the Saffron brigade of selling the aspirations of Dogra youth to the Valley centric PDP for continuing in power.
Disconcerted by the extremely biased selection list issued by SSB for the posts of Junior Assistants as published recently,  Harsh Dev said that the shocking results of the most glaring selections were still not sinking in the minds of Dogra youth which dished out 27 posts out of the total 28 State cadre posts of Civil Secretariat in the open category to the candidates of Kashmir region where as only one post was conferred to the candidate from Jammu region.
He further revealed that out of 9 posts of Junior Assistants in RBA category, 8 candidates were picked up from the valley and just one candidate was selected from Jammu region. Regretting that the magnitude of discriminatory recruitment in the BJP partnered Govt had severely jolted and shuddered the youth of entire Jammu province, he accused the BJP of remaining impuissant and criminally silent over the gravest issue of discrimination faced by the young fraternity of the region.
He said that a team of NPP was leaving for New Delhi today to lodge their protest against highly biased treatment to Jammu region in BJP rule by holding series of protests outside parliament and elsewhere in Delhi.
Maintaining that share of Kashmir region in employment increased manifold in the present BJP-PDP Govt, Singh said that the Jammu Pradesh was being robbed of its nominal share and apparently divested of Govt  jobs in principle.
State president Young Panthers  Yash Paul Kundal also spoke on the occasion. He  said that the volatile situation could explode any moment like a volcano leading to irreparable damage for which Saffron leaders would be squarely responsible.