NPP’s next target SRO-202, 4G restoration: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 4: Referring to the amendment effected in the Domicile Law, Harsh Dev Singh, JKNPP-Chairman & former Minister today said that it had come as pleasant relief for millions of aspiring youth of J&K and now the Panthers Party’s next target would be revocation of SRO-202 and restoration of 4G connectivity.

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Announcing that as soon as the situation improves, the issues of students and youth would be highlighted on priority, he sought the co-operation of youth in early settlement of all pending issues.
Dubbing the earlier provision as highly obnoxious, Singh said that it was enacted to serve as a tunnel to facilitate the entry of outsiders into J&K with an assurance of share in Government jobs. He said that it was an ill timed and ill intended move which had sparked massive public outrage, thereby forcing the Union Government to withdraw the nasty provision. He said that though there were certain other aspects in Domicile Law which needed amendment but the larger satisfaction was that the most menacing aspects of the legislation had been shelved.
Having achieved partial success in the form of amendment of the Domicile Law, Singh said that NPP would henceforth focus on other pending issues of the educated and aggrieved youth. “The Government must immediately advertise the 50,000 posts which it had promised to create post State’s Reorganization. In addition 50,000-60,000 posts have become available after August 5, 2019 as not a single post was advertised during the past nine months despite vacancies occurring on a regular basis,” he added.
Taking a pot shot at the BJP leaders, Singh said that those who had all along been supporting the Domicile Law had changed overnight with vague nauseating claims being made by them of having intervened for ensuring the changes in the said law. “Another Kashmir based party had suddenly emerged from nowhere and was trying to monopolize the media headlines with the support of BJP and claiming to have forced the amendment. People are not naive. They know who fought for them on the roads and also projected their concerns through print, electronic and social media. The people have recognized the real face of these parties behind their deceptive facades and could no longer be befooled by their false rhetoric” said Singh.