Nurses need nursing

This has reference to the news item ‘Indian nurses still an exploited lot’ De Oct 15.
It is true that who are hailed as’angels on earth’ get a raw deal from Government(s). Their contribution to the healthcare is not usually appreciated neither by people nor by the their own department. Working day in and day out in trying circumstances, their working conditions and wages need be improved. There is growing diseffection among them and which needs a proper treatment from the concerned authorities. Every effort must be made to make this profession more and more attractive,so that candidates coming out from colleges and in search of a job opt nursing as a career.
During their duty hours they face hostile people, and at the same time the wrath of doctors for one reason or the other. Let this community care for the patients and Government care about nurses.
Yours etc….
Anita Sharma
Talab Tilloo, Jammu