Observance of punctuality week

This refers to the punctuality week observed from Apr 1- Apr 6, 2019. The Education Department who initiated the move deserves appreciation. Punctuality of time is not only needed in Education Department but in all the departments as well. Punctuality is a trait and it develops in us confidence and efficiency. The most important thing is that it promotes discipline and dedication among all the stakeholders if observed strictly. It enables us to spend the precious time for productive purposes. Punctuality is a pre requisite for successful ventures.
Punctuality develops in working class efficiency and gives fillip to greater production. It brings in us the revolutionary change. If this habit is inculcated in the students from the very early days, it will go a long way in making their life disciplined. One will not feel boredom and tireomeness if the time is spent very wisely. The students will feel it easy to cope up with the problem of learning which will provide them a golden chance to come out with flying colors not only in academics but in other ventures of life as well.
Dwarika Nath Raina
Muthi, Jammu