Of departmental promotions

In our Educational System Class-IV, Lab/Lib/Jr. Asstt, Teacher, Lecturer are the posts which are filled by the Direct Recruitment. SRO-43 brings various Class-IV employees not only in Education Department but in other Departments also under its ambit.  The Class-IV employees having 10th as qualification are promoted to Lab. Asstt/Jr. Asstt after serving the department for more than 20 years and in 20 years they forget almost everything they have learnt in schools. The process of promotions continues to Sr Asstts,  Head Assistants etc and teachers, masters, headmasters, ZEOs, lecturers, principals, CEOs etc. Most of the promotees on Administrative Posts do not even have the Administrative skills and they wholly depend on the Clerical Staff, because they don’t know the ABC of Administration and Accounts. I have met with an employee, who is serving as Junior Assistant in Education Department, and I got surprised when he gave me pen and a paper to write “An application for leave” for him. When I asked him to write the application by himself the answer was strange i.e “I can neither write the application nor read one in any language”.
There are various loopholes in the Departmental Promotions. Not all but various ineligible employees get promotions only through seniority or reserved categories and these employees only pass the time instead of doing something for the betterment of the Department. Corruption, backwardness, poor-performance, hindrance, lag etc are the result of such promotions. The proverb “As is the Head, so are the subordinates” is well suited in such situation.
The promotions must be based on Eligibility Test. Trainings on various subjects should be given.  More emphasis should be given on Primary Education. Primary Department. should be delinked from Upper Primary /Secondary Department, NTTC/ETTC must be the minimum eligibility for a Primary Teacher. Mid-Day  Meal should be delinked from Education Department and given to any other Department. Examination should be fair and transparent. Teacher Eligibility Test should be conducted same as the NET/SET is conducted. Personality Test/Viva should be conducted for Administration and Accounts related posts like Headmaster, ZEO, CEO etc. Websites should be created  for District Level Offices.At least one trained person from each educational zone should be deployed to provide the requisite information to update the websites from time to time. Zonal Level Offices should be equipped with Internet facility to pass-on the information to higher authorities as and when required.
Yours etc…
Ajaz Raja Maahy
on e-mail