Of peace and resolutions

Shiban Khaibri
While China should continue to be our immediate concern looking to its continued efforts to increasingly develop the best infrastructure in the most vulnerable Himalayan region close to Tibet and its spate of incursions in strategic Ladakh region to the extent of even attempting to prevent our army from patrolling our posts in this sector, there seems to be a conspiracy to stagger India’s attention towards the continued aggressive postures  by Pakistan in the shape of  border violations, infiltrations, terrorist threats, firing at our posts and even killing  of our jawans in cold ambush by  its army. This phenomenon has got spiraled since early June this year when the change of guard in Pakistan took place ostensibly democratically for the first time since Pakistan was created. India never expected this especially when Nawaz Sharif made “peace with India” as one of the main poll planks. That was taken on the simplest face value by the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh who in the best Indian traditions of ushering in and tangibly working for peace, welcomed it in such a way that while the counting of votes was underway in Pakistan, he congratulated Nawaz Sharif in advance conveying “India’s desire to work with your government to chart a new course and pursue a new destiny in the relations between our countries.” Without going into the merits of choosing time and text   of the message, let the intentions be analyzed and no body shall dispute the inherent sincerity and seriousness of Indian government and the people to have lasting peace and intimate friendly relations with that country.
After Nawaz Sharif’s taking over as Prime Minister of Pakistan, the emerging ground realities proved that we were merely hoping against the hope. The flexibility, even unaffordable and not warranted under any circumstances, shown at Sharm-el-Sheikh by the Indian Prime Minister in 2009 was only with a hope to have the change of heart of the Pakistani rulers with intent to establishing peace, man borders in de – escalated atmosphere, stopping of terror activities in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and resolution of disputes and problems through talks, dialogues and conversations. Even that too did not work at all.  At the start, when it surfaced that Nawaz Sharif, even before assuming office, was extended an invitation to visit India as “I had a call from him( PM Manmohan Singh) yesterday (May 12), a long chat on the phone”, the Chief of the staff of Pakistan army, Gen. Kayani called on Nawaz Sharif and  “advised” him not to take any hasty steps in an air of over enthusiasm for bettering the relations with India and that he should not go over board in this matter. In any democracy worth the name, never shall an army chief try to influence political decisions of the elected chief executive which are of very important nature and that also when not concerning army or defence matters. He very impliedly conveyed to Nawaz Shariff the unwritten but very much prevalent practice of Pakistan army, to meddle in the political affairs of the country and most of the critical decisions to be moulded as per the wishes of the army there. How can otherwise the sudden spurt in intrusion, terror and other aggressive activities from Pakistan against India be accounted for, ever since Nawaz Shariff “settled” himself as   Prime Minister of Pakistan early this year?
The encouraging statements initially given by Shariff and the gestures of friendship shown, have proved to be proverbial “all that glitters is not gold” and there appears to be no change of heart, no aspirations to have a flexible approach free from prejudice and malice in both the top brass of the army or the powerful ISI there, who matter the most in the Pakistan polity. India  wanted to go ahead , putting  aside the feelings of the severest damages suffered on account of the obnoxious proxy war of terror and hate launched by Pakistan for the last three decades  against this country, only to restart the dialogue process and contribute towards confidence building measures but even a  simple step of according India the “most preferred nation” status for economic and trade considerations could not be taken by Pakistan, let alone keep contagious issues in suspended animation for a couple of years. That has not happened and is unlikely to happen in comparison with the series of border violations by Pakistan tearing apart the agreement of 2003 followed by martyring of our soldiers in addition to trying hard to push infiltrations of ultras and other criminal elements indoctrinated to create disturbances and keep Jammu and Kashmir simmering, not only the valley but shockingly, now, even the areas of Jammu division. That as many as 28 terrorists have been eliminated during the past less than two months while crossing to this side or inside the hinterland with full facilitation from the Pakistan army, speaks how much seriously can India take the commitment to contain infiltration activities by Pakistan or stopping its soil for such activities against this country.
Exposed internationally, Pakistan has now contributed in a big magnitude towards frustrating, rather undermining any efforts of Indian government to talk, discuss and dialogue about peace and friendship with it only to have an alibi and legitimatize its brazen and bizarre involvement in the state of Jammu and Kashmir by creating disturbances and keep the area in a perpetual state of trouble and strife. The National Assembly (Parliament) of that country has passed a resolution against India accusing it of “unprovoked aggression by Indian military forces across the LOC, and also (that it) condemns the attacks on the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi”. It remains a mystery as to when and where has Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi  been attacked .The resolution , however, has come to the main reality though partially in saying that ,”Pakistan shall continue to extend diplomatic , political and moral support for the “just and legitimate struggle” of Kashmiri people hiding conveniently its brazen role of exporting terror, hatred, violence and subterfuge into the state of Jammu and Kashmir, especially in  the valley and the hilly areas of Jammu division. As a response to the resolution of Pakistan being pregnant with ulterior motives and based on assumed and unfounded contents, India has rejected it and also passed a counter resolution reiterating its stand that Jammu and Kashmir including the occupied parts thereof is an integral part of India and condemned attacks by Pakistan army at the LOC.
Let it be fairly known to Pakistan that the two opposite sides cannot go together, acts of aggression and terrorism remaining in full operation while pretending to talk peace lead to nowhere. The Indian leadership shall have to ensure that Pakistan stops playing double game with India before any attempt towards talking “peace or composite dialogue” is taken. We must see fast and concrete movement on 26/11 issue, fast action on Hafiz Sayeed , and reiteration of the undertaking given by Ex President  Musharaff in 2004 that Pakistan stops terror activities against India, being honoured in letter and spirit as also no violation of LOC.  Obama , the US President has resolutely decided not to meet his Russian counterpart  Vladimin Putin at the sidelines of the G20 summit at St. Petersburg early next month as a protest against Russia granting a temporary asylum to Edward Snowden and has also cancelled a very important visit to Russia in September this year as  to honour and accord prestige to US interests. Can our leadership appreciate the stand of the US President and emulate some degree of seriousness of purpose there – from?