Of relationships

Prof R N Kaul
The ultimate goal of human life is God-Realization. But only a few in a million achieve this goal in their lifetime. However, the purpose of every living self is to come to its own fullness of being. Man can come to his own fullness of being through authentic relationships with his fellow human beings and the universe around him. The individual lives in polarized relation to other individuals and the external universe. If man succeeds in accomplishing pure relationship between himself and the universe, he achieves fulfilment in life. The fulfilment of life is what the soul desires. The failure to establish and maintain vital relationships is the cause of great misery in the life of modern man. Psycho-analysis of the lives of rapists and terrorists will reveal that such people have had no real relationships in their lives. They themselves have been victims of false relationships. False relationships almost invariably result in perversion, neurosis and disaster.
Many joys and sorrows come and go in the lifespan of a human being. In fact, there are more sorrows than joys in life. But, what ultimately matters is mental and spiritual maturity. “Ripeness is all,” said the Bard of Avon (Shakespeare). True relationships help man to attain maturity. Swami Vivekananda did not live a long life. But, he had achieved the purpose of his life when he left this world. His relationship with Parmahansa Ramakrishna had given him poise and confidence. His words spoken in America created a wave of respect for India in the hearts of Americans. According to Chakravarty Rajagopalachari, Swami Vivekananda saved Hinduism, saved India. But for him we would have lost our religion and would not have gained our freedom.” Arjuna did not achieve the fulfilment in life because of his victory over the Kaurvas. He was cured of his confusion and sorrow by his association with Lord Krishna. He fought for the restoration of “Dharma” and that gave meaning and purpose to his life. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He received education in England. When he came back to India, he was dissatisfied with whatever he did. However, when he joined Mahatma Gandhi in the freedom struggle, he realized his heart’s desire.
Will Durant, the famous American philosopher, who had become completely disillusioned with philosophy and science asked Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru, in his letter in 1931, to tell him” what meaning life has for you. What keeps you going………. What is the goal or motive force of your toil, where you find your consolation and your happiness, where in the last resort your treasure lies” Nehru’s reply was” There seemed to be no obvious way of realizing my heart’s desire. Then came Mr. Gandhi and pointed a way which seemed to promise results ………. I plunged in and I discovered that I had at last found what I had long sought. It was in action that I had found this _________action on behalf of a great cause which I held earlier. Ever since then I have used all my strength in battling for this cause and the recompense I have had has strengthened me, for the reward has been a fuller life with a new meaning and purpose to it.
According to D.H. Lawrence, the renowned novelist and thinker of the 20th century,” Man is great according as his relation to the living universe is vast and vital” (reflections on the Death of a Porcupine, Page 230). God is immersed in creation, and it is futile to separate or distinguish Him from His creation. Man and all living beings are the parts of the cosmos. We have living relationship not only with the earth and creatures of the earth, but also with the Sun, the Moon and all Planets and Stars. We can live a full and purposeful life if we get rid of our self-centredness and establish right relationships with our fellow human beings and the living universe.