Of traffic signals in Jammu

Ranbir Shekhar
It is regarding the news that Govt. has decided to remove the traffic signals from 8 rotaries in Jammu. It is astonishing to note that the installations of the traffic signals have resulted into traffic jams in the city and long queues have been seen on the rotaries. The high power committee might have decided after in depth survey and after deep thinking, but it is a question tag when we compare our city with the other cities of India where traffic signals are working efficiently for a long time. In Jammu city, the traffic signals are not new; they were working earlier also and due to unplanned expansion of the city coupled with wrong and unethical driving habits of the masses have resulted into traffic jams. After installation of traffic signals, it was looking like a modern city rather than a mess and crowded city. The traffic signals were trying to mend the erratic driving behavior of the people and it looked like a sensible drive. It is the basic principle that the driver of any luxury car/commercial vehicle to know the rules of the traffic and strictly follow them. It is proven that if all the drivers shall follow the rules, the road accidents can be reduced by a great extent. One can have a glance of the figures available with CRRI or Indian Roads congress that merely 1% accidents are due to mechanical breakdown and 99% due to traffic violations or due to negligent driving or rash driving.
It should be kept in mind that there are well defined traffic rules in vogue and before sitting on the seat of driver, one must be in a position to know a little of all that if not fully acquainted. The high power committee might have thought over the rash driving, wrong parking, violation of lane driving and wrong stoppage by the mini buses! It is great to find that in Jammu matador driver can apply break anywhere of his choice or where he may find the passenger, also is not it the responsibility of the commuter to wait for the matador at specified stop? The left turn is always free for the driver but the driver for straight goers will stop at the left side, creating hurdles to the smooth flow of the traffic.
Further there are a number of small T-Crossings after the RED LIGHT SIGNAL, they are the real obstructions. There are a number of lanes, by lanes and small links terminating into main link, requiring immediate closer for traffic regulations. A number of roads need to be marked as one way only. It will definitely provide some un- comforts to the commuters and drivers but will reduce the chaos.
Is it not surprising to note that the signals that have regulated the traffic all over the world, are creating traffic jams in Jammu? No, never, there can’t be different yard stick for our city, it is all because we are not ready to learn the traffic rules. Novices are driving the vehicles and even more, some parents are encouraging their small kids, lapping them and driving the vehicles. It is a blunder . Driving is not a child’s play. See seat belts are always beneficial, helmets have saved a number of scooter riders.
Cannot there be specified stops for the matadors for the different locations? Why the matador meant for Satwari and Bari Brahaman stop anywhere. There must be specified stops for different matadors for the different destinations and that too not near the RED LIGHT. Cannot there be Zebra crossings for the pedestrians; they have been seen crossing the road at their choice, why? The traffic police are always seen busy in diverting the traffic clearly showing that either we don’t want to mend or we have become used to it.
Removing the traffic signals will never solve the problem. While applying for the driving license, one has to submit a valid medical certificate which clearly certifies that the applicant is well conscious and has a sound mind in a sound body, then where goes the sense while driving, is the question Tag?
It is also reported that the signals are providing hindrances to the patients at some of the places like Indra Chowk and GMC crossing. The authorities must have the document that there are exceptions during crisis. Those in emergency like situations should be given lanes first irrespective of the signal. It should be kept in mind that the sirens installed over the vehicles are of different sound and colour specifying the nature and importance of the vehicle. For example, a vehicle can wait for some time but ambulance cannot .
Further general ambulance can move slowly but trauma ambulance moves very fast as it has to reach the hospital without any loss. Again in case of any emergency, the city signal is hooted meaning that the RED SIGNALS shall be null and void and only emergency vehicles shall be given clear road.
The authorities may be right in taking the decision of removing the traffic lights but not fastening the seat belts or crash helmets, shall definitely be violation of traffic rules. Similarly removing of the signals shall not be helpful in solving the city traffic problems. It is high time for the authorities to find traffic experts and consultants and get a realistic traffic survey including finding well defined road.
Hope the authorities will think more otherwise all the traffic signals will have to removed one after another.
(The author is (MIE, Chartered engineer)